Who are you?

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There was white smoke everywhere and everything were coughing.
"Don't move!" said suddenly a male voice.
A/N: Here, the "time travelers" already are under a self-changing  charm when they appear.

As the white smoke was fading into nothingness, James, still coughing, opened slightly his eyes: Six teenage stood before them, their wand pointing in every direction.

There was a tall boy whit brown curly long hair and grey eyes (Ron).

A orange haired girl whit bright green eyes (Hermione).

Another brown haired girl but whit blue eyes (Ginny).

A girl whit short light brown and freckles all on her face (Luna).

A boy whit blond hair and dark brown eyes (Neville) and finally, a boy whit messy flaming red hair, whit hazel eyes (Harry).

"Where are we?" The red haired boy asked and James remembered him as the one who talked earlier.

There was a shriek and everyone looked around to the orange haired girl.

Blushing, she muttered something to her surroundings.

They gasped. Silence.

The red haired bloke seemed to search something because he was looking around rather hastily.
Sirius coughed out loud and said: "Are you going to say who are you or should we wait until you get your tongues untied?"

The brown haired girl spoke.
"Hey! Is your name Sirius?"

"Oh no, not at all' said Sirius sarcastically," I'm Pedrato but call me Pedro."

"Blimey, Hermione, you're right!" yelped the brown curly haired boy.

The weird bloke who seemed to search for something (from what James thought so) seemed to found what he was searching because he turned his eyes on James and gasped another time.

"What?" asked four of them except the girl whit light brown hair.

He murmured quietly something to them, not taking his eyes off James who found it odd.

"Why are they looking at me?" James asked Sirius.
"Ah, Prong," sighed Sirius," it's because you're a big idiot friend of mine."

"Seriously Sirius!"

"I am serious! And in case you haven't noticed-"

"No shut up."

Sirius wriggled his eyebrows and announced,"I'm Sirius. Pleased to meet you."

"Sirius stop and look."

Now the sixth stranger were muttering to each other, apparently forgetting where they are.
It's only when they've agreed something silently that they looked up.

"Is Dumbledore here?" Asked the one that had gasped earlier.

There were a few nods and someone muttered

"Ok then come on." said the orange haired girl at her friends who followed her quickly.

The moment they closed the door behind them, everyone burst into talk.

"Mental these, eh?" said James "see how they where looking at me? Thought for a second I was a celebrity."

"Blimey that was bizarre." said Remus, " how did they apparate here ? It is impossible from what I've read in Hogwarts: A history. No one can do that, even Dumbledore! Do you think there are some dark magic going on or the charms protecting Hogwarts from any apparition has been broken? Personally I think that–"

"Moony, can you give it a rest ?" said Sirius.

"No I can't, this is too odd to be simply ignored!"

"Well then feel free to search it all up but do not put me and Padfoot into this affair." said James, running a hand through his messy hair. He stretched and yawned. "Besides I am still working on how to ask Evans for the Winter Ball coming up."

"Stop dreaming about that Prongs," said Sirius rolling his eyes at James,"I bet she'll be going whit Mark Melor from Ravenclaw. He's, what do you call it?" Sirius narrowed his eyes in mock reflexion,"Oh yeah! Handsomely-perfect for girls like Lily-Flower."

"Well," said James, trying to hide the fact that he was fustrated whit the rumours mere weeks ago where it was rumoured that Mark Alerman, one of the most handsome boys at Hogwarts, was in love whit Lily Evans, "I'll take care of him. And I bet you'll ask Dumbledore because you won't  find a date, anyway."

"Yeah, all right, bet." Said Sirius, holding out his hand.

They shook hands and silence fell between them.

"Well, whoever these stranger are," said Remus, who oblivious had ignored James and Sirius talk about the Ball,"I'mgoing to find out who and what's their purpose in here."

He looked determined and excited at the same time.

"And I'll help you."

They turned only to find Lily standing behind Remus.
"Re-hello, Evans," said James, smiling brightly. "Came to ask me out have you?"

"No, you prat, I came for Remus."

"Me? Why?" asked Remus bewildered.

"You'll know soon, come on," said Lily grimly.

Still looking confused, Remus got up and followed Lily out of the common room.

"I trust Moony," said James, watching them climb out of the portrait hole and disappear, " It's not like he will betray my trust."

"Well, forget about that," said Sirius.
They sat in silence, lost for words.

"Hey!" said suddenly Sirius, his eyes twinkling whit what seemed a new idea for mischief, "let's be their friends!"


"The strangers!"

"Yeah, that's an idea! Finally, you're not as stupid as I thought, Padfoot!"

"Since when was I stupid?"

"Since the day I've thought you were, anyway, we're asking a friend request the moment we see them again, deal?"


To be continued ;)

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