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Do you love cats? Well I do.

I had a cat that I named "Cat" a few years ago and I loved him so much I remember I literally used to beg my mom to let me take it to school.

Well, one day, I saw Cat offending some savage-looking birds and he always tried to catch one to kill afterwards. (He's a criminal but let's not face the reality)

But the plot-twist came one week later, when I was looking for Cat because I hadn't seen him for nearly three days in a row and I was seriously beginning to worry. My mom had told me to buy something from the shop across our house and I haven't gone two steps when I saw Cat laying on the ground whit many of the vicious-looking birds all around him.

Guess what? They killed him before he could kill them and I honestly don't know how they achieved that to this day.


Nobody said a word.
Well, Remus and Lily did looked shocked but Ron, Hermione and Neville were normal.

"James son?" said Remus, in disbelief, "but I thought you were lily's son since you look so much like her."
"," said Harry," we are all hiding our real look under a charm."

"Revelio" said Lily, raising her wand.
And they all changed back to their normal selves.
"Bloody hell!" said Remus looking confused.

"Mate, that's my line," said Ron but Remus wasn't paying attention.

"How old are you? Which year did you came from? Are we all parents or grandparents? Does the war is still happening in your time?," burst out Remus.

"Uh...Harry?" said Lily.
"Yes?" answered Harry, feeling the habitual goosebumps everytime he looked at his mother.
"Can I talk to you? private?" asked Lily.

Harry looked around; everyone were occupied to calm down Remus who kept asking too many questions.

"Yeah, of course" he said getting up. As he followed Lily a little far from the others, Harry felt Hermione watching him.

"So I'd like to know-" began Lily but Harry said: "Just something normal, because I don't think it will be good to spoil the future."

She nodded.
"So James got over me right?" said Lily hopefully.
"Damn, but he must have because he married another woman."
"Actually, he never loved someone except you, and that's why you two ended up getting marr-"

"Stop right there!" said Lily aloud and turning red, "I marry James Potter?!"
"Then if I marry him," continued Lily, still red but thinking," you-" said Lily looking at Harry in disbelief.

" You got this theory right I'm your son.....mum," said Harry and whit that he hugged her.
And she was hugging back, but it was different than Mrs Weasley hugs.

"I love you mum," said Harry, his voice hoarse.
"Me too," replied Lily and she hugged him even thightier.

"Awwwww" said Remus, causing the two to break the hug.

"I still can't believe I marry James, Remus," said Lily looking confused," there's too many things to process and I think I already have a headache."

"Oh so you're calling James by his first name now, huh?" said Remus, smirking.

"What! No..I .er..forgot," finished Lily blushing uncontrollably and giving herself away.

"I knew you liked James for a while, so!" said Remus turning to Hermione, Ron and Neville,"how's the future? Did the war ended at last?"

"No it's still going on, and more brutal than ever," replied Hermione looking dark.

"And there's more and more disappearance and killings," said simply Neville.

"How could we have done this to you?" asked Lily shocked," having childs whit a war ongoing?"

"We're trying to bring in the light when all is dark around us," said Ron," and I think the Ministry is trying to help as an excuse for what they've did that one rough year we passed."

"What d'you mean?" asked sharply Remus.

"Ask Harr- uh me!" said Ron hastily realising his mistake.

"Harry, what happened?" asked Lily urgently to Harry.

"I don't think I might be the one who can tell you what happened," said Harry darkly and turning away," it making me sick thinking about it."

"Oh, honey, what happened? I'm I a bad mother or something else?"

"Uh about that-"began Ron.


And this is yet the end of another chapter!
See you on the next and take care of you!

A Time Turner TaleWhere stories live. Discover now