Meeting the old man

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"...we're asking a friend request the moment we see them again, deal?"
From this point, it will be the third person POV that you'll read but most of Harry than anyone else.

Harry knocked the door of Dumbledore's study then a "Enter" responded him. He and the others
got in and Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.
"Well, well, well ,"he said in a amused voice,"It happens that I know every students in this castle but not you."

"Professor, can we explain ourselves?," said Hermione quickly.

"Of course you can. May you begin."

"Ok but before we begin we are, somehow, under a dellisionement charm."

"Are you, by any coincidence, death-eathers in disguise?" Dumbledore asked too calmly.

"No we're not" said Hermione," look..."
She said 'Revelio' pointing her wand at each of them.

"See, professor, we're not death-eathers," muttered Hermione.

"And we will appreciate if you relax your grip on your wand sir," said Harry looking at how Dumbledore's fingers had tightened on his wand when the charm was going off.

"Ok so, well Professor we came from the future but more precisely from 1996. My name is Hermione Granger and I'll let my friend say theirs."

"I'm Ron Weasley."

'You must be Arthur Weasley son right?' asked Dumbledore.

"Yes Professor."

"Continue please."

"Neville Longbottom", said Neville.

"Ginny Weasley", said Ginny.

"I'm Luna Lovegood", Luna said dreamly.

"Harry Potter ", said Harry.

Dumbledore looked intently at Harry.

"You are James's son." he said, joining his long fingers together and resting his chin on top of them.

"Yes." Harry replied.

"Well be careful. He is here attending his fifth year. You  as well," he added, nodding at Neville," your parents might be suspicious about you. You all look like them...Unless you put back that wonderful charm back on yourselves again."

"Professor, we need new names,"said Hermione, looking concerned,"as for our sudden appearance in Gryffindor tower, we can brush it by saying we just got wrongly portkeyed and be transferred students from Ilvermony."

Dumbledore slowly nodded, looking very intently at Hermione who went red and stared at the floor.

"What's Ilvermony?" Luna asked, interested, not noticed the awkward silence.

"The fourth biggest school for wizard and witches."

"Well", said Dumbledore clapping his hands,"you'll still have the initials of your names so that you don't forget. Here are your fake names," he nodded at Hermione and said,"You'll be Harchie Gaeyson, Harvey Parker, Ron- are you and this young girl siblings?" Dumbledore asked Ron curiously, nodding at Ginny.

"Yes, of course." the latter said.
"All right, so, Rupert Williams and Ginevra Williams."

"Uh, professor?" said Ginny uncertain if she should point out his mistake.


"That's my actual name. Ginny it's just a nickname like Ron but it's Ronald."

"Ah, my bad," said Dumbledore waving his hand as if to frighten a fly," then you're Genny Williams."

"Which leave us.... Narwin...Layor...Yes that sounds good and Linsy Lynch."

"Ta-da!" said Dumbledore opening widely his arm as though he was showing some kind of show. "I'm good in names! So in which house are in?"

"Well,"replied Hermione before anyone else,"we are all Gryffindors except for Luna, she's in Ravenclaw. But I think we ough to take her whit us."


"So that's is settled then. Goodnight," said Dumbledore.

"What?" said Harry, " Are you just telling us to go and have a goodnight? What about the questions we'll be asked once we go back to the common room?"
Dumbledore smiled amusedly which made Harry even more frustrated.

"Oh, we're in no hurry, Mr Potter", said Dumbledore, "Do as I told you and you'll be in such fine condition."

And whit that happy smile, they walked out of his office and headed back to the common room.

Once in front of the Fat lady's portrait, it struck them that they didn't know the password.
Calming down a panicking Neville for he was sure they would sleep on the corridors' floor, they were about to go back to Dumbledore when the portrait swung open to reveal a young, handsome boy, whit black hair just like Harry's and rectangular glasses, climbing out of the room.

"Ah," James said when he spotted them, "You wouldn't mind if I talk to you whit my friend back in the room?"

"No," said Harry automatically  for he knew it would be useless if they refuse.

"Awesome," said James, "come in then!"

"Damn."said Ron under his breath.

To be continued ;)

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