"Okay, so..."

"I haven't talked to him since we broke up." Dom said and I frowned at him in confusion.


"Stop it right there. I want to have a relaxing night with you so, please don't spoil this for me." He said before sitting on a barstool with one leg crossing the other.

"Okay, fine." I placed a kiss on his cheek and he cutely smiled up at me.

"Anyway, did you hear about Parker and Macy's wild office sex scandal?" Dom asked and I gasped in shock.

"No, but do tell." I said while adding the ingredients into the pot, I was making lasagna. It's Dom's favorite.

"Well, I walked in on them in the bathroom. Disgusting I know. So, I went outside and then I told the entire office about it, just because she's trying to start up a rumor about you and the don. And as if that's not bad enough she probably has Chlamydia." Dom said and I couldn't help but to start laughing.

"And? Did they find out that it was you who told everyone?" I asked curiously and Dom confidently shook his head at me.

"This isn't my first rodeo, Joan." He said and I chuckled lightly. Then we heard a sudden knock coming from the front door so, I looked over at Dom and he innocently shrugged at me.

"Don't look at me." He said before placing his focus on his cellphone screen. I went over to the door and peeked through the peephole and found Blake standing there with a bunch of flowers in his hands. Holy shit I forgot about our date.

"Dom, it's Blake. You have to keep him busy while I go change. I forgot he was coming over." I whispered at Dom who curtly nodded his head at me. I quickly ran upstairs and into my bedroom.

I slipped out of my sleepwear and into a less comfortable baby blue dress. I pulled on my white sneakers and allowed my hair to fall behind my back. I covered my neck with make-up and did light make-up on my face. When I was done I went downstairs.

"My love, I'm sorry for taking so long." I said before placing a kiss on Blake's cheek.

"Oh it's okay." He said before handing me the flowers.

"Thank you so much, they're lovely." I said while briefly smelling them.

"Joan was so swamped with work today she only got here just now." Dom said before winking at me.

"Yes, I had a long day." I said and Blake gave me a soft smile, he can be cute when he wants to.

"What's for dinner babe?" He asked me.

"Lasagna." I said and he pulled his face in distaste. There goes the cuteness, he can also be snob when he wants to.

"I'm kinda cutting off on the carbs. Do you have any salad?" He asked and I saw that Dom was about to say something so I bumped him out of the way.

"Sure, honey." I said and Blake smiled at me. Wow, he's a literal stereotype.

"You wouldn't believe what happened at work today." He said while looking at Dom so I attended to the food while listening to them. "So I was in the ER when this guy walks up to me-" He started and I zoned out. I don't wanna listen to another one of his 'I saved the world' stories.

I wonder what Louis is doing right now, I wonder if he's at home or if he's having any girls over. He's not allowed to be with other girls. Not after the sex we had. I shouldn't be thinking these things they're wrong. I mean he held a gun to my head and threatened to kill me.

"Joan?" Blake asked and I looked at him with wide eyes.


"What do you think?" He curiously questioned me.

"About what?" I asked and he smiled at me in disbelief.

"About the guy who confused me with his wife's lover." He said and I slowly released a breath of relief.

"It's kinda funny, I mean couldn't he tell that you're a doctor by the clothes you were wearing?" I asked and he deeply frowned at me.

"I just said that I was out of my scrubs after my shift." He said and his frown deepened. "Where's your head at?" He asked and my heart rate increased.

"I'm just fighting fatigue, okay? I was on my feet all day long and I didn't get any sleep last night." I uttered in frustration.

"Why didn't you sleep last night? Is something wrong?" He asked and I couldn't handle the fact that he was treating me like one of his stupid patients.

"It's just insomnia!" I said and his eyebrows raised at my tone.

"Calm down, why are you yelling at me?" He asked.

"I'm gonna go charge my phone." Dom awkwardly uttered before leaving the kitchen.

"Don't tell me to calm down! And don't treat me like I'm one of your patients!" I said getting worked up.

"You're taking your anger out on me. I don't even know why you're angry so I'm going to tell you to calm the fuck down." He said and I ran a hand through my hair.

"I don't want to be calm!" I yelled and he firmly placed his hand on the table.

"Call me when you're done acting like a bitch. And to think I actually took off work to spend time with you and this is the thank you I get." He bitterly told me before he walked out the door.

"Blake wait! Don't leave like this." I said but he ignored me. I can't believe I just had my first fight with Blake.

Yet, I still didn't manage to break up with him like I was told to.

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