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Leafy's pov

I flew through the portal not knowing what to do, I look behind me to see Gb and Tb following but they were so far behind that they just looked like dots. I look forward to see grass, but that means....WAIT. I closed my eyes ready to hit the ground.

Pin's pov

Me and Coiny were sitting down waiting to see what will happen in the first elimination. It was awkward so I had to break this silence.

Pin: So Coiny, who do you think will be the first eliminated from bfb?

Coiny: I sure hope it's Match or Pencil, they both had the idea of jumping which was useless.

Pin: Heh, yeah.

It was awkward again until Four came out of nowhere ready to speak.

Four: Iance, get ready for your elimination-


Pin: Oh my pin factory, what was that!

I looked around and saw that the other objects were as confused as I was. Soon all the objects gathered around Four and X waiting for them to say something but they said nothing and only stared in directions looking for the noise source.

Four: Everyone shush! It was just a noise nothing more, Lightning stop zapping!

Everyone faced Lightning but he just stared at us confused.

Lightning: It was not me I swear! I didn't zap anyone today!

Leafy (bfb): Then what was the noise, it could only have been you or Four-

Suddenly a portal of colors appeared on top of us so we all backed away from the portal. Then it started to make a high pitched noise that got louder each second.

Pen: It could explode and kill us all! We should find safety!

After Pen said that all the objects scattered and hid behind the bathrooms, bushes, or trees. Me and the Loser's hid behind a bush scared but wondering what the strange portal will do. Suddenly there was screaming coming from it. The only 'objects' that weren't hiding was Four and X, they were staring at the portal ready for what it's about to hit on us.

Then the scream got louder and louder, until the the person that was screaming came out of the portal hitting the ground. We looked at the object and they seemed to be familiar.

Leafy came out behind the bathrooms and walked towards the object like she knew who it was. When she was about a few feet away she stopped when the object started to lift up revealing themselves.

(Just so you know (bfb) means the originals and (mv) means my versions, aka the ones who fell out of the portal)

Mv Leafy's pov

I looked up to see a green object just a few feet away from me. My eyesight was blurry from the fall and my whole body was aching from hitting the ground so hard. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming up behind me, I look back to see Four and X? At least not my Four and X. X stoped but Four continued to walk towards me. When they got close enough they looked down at me with a confused look.

Four: Who are you?

Then objects came out and started walking towards me. I knew who they were but I was scared to say anything because of the consequences. The number lift up his hand ready to zap me, saying the same question.

Four: Who are you.

But this time it was more demanding. I was scared, my heart heated faster, what happens if I die here? Will I ever be recovered back to life, will I be dead forever?

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