"Stop using that tone, Y/N here might faint." Dinah said shaking you off your trances.

"Fine, Fine." Lauren said. "I'll knock on your door later, Y/N."

"Don't bother knocking, consider it as yours." You said and smiled, watching Lauren to enter her bedroom, and you turned around only to be met by Dinah's intimidating well-known Polynesian glare.

"Don't bother knocking? Y/N are you two planning on soemthing?" Dinah asked bewildered.

"No, no we're not, we're just planning on cuddling for the rest of the night." You said.

Dinah's eyes soften at this and she smiled. "You have innocent intentions for her after all."

"I do." You answered.

"So, I need to give you a talk since I didn't get the chance to before the date, so I have to do it after." Dinah said walking towards her bedroom so Lauren or anyone won't here anything. As you entered Dinah's room, you're surprised to see all the girls on Dinah's bed.

"I thought-" You started.

"I mean by me is actually we." Dinah answered "Now get yourself comfortable." She said gesturing the chair in front of the bed.

"Hey, Y/N" Normani greeted.

"Hello." You said and smiled.

"So, I guess I'm here because you want to give me the talk." You asked.

"Yes." They all answered.

"Ok." You said and waited for them to start.

"Well, Y/N We know you have innocent intensions for Lauren and we all know how much you like her." Dinah started.

"But?" You asked.

"But nothing, we know that you will take good care of her, by the looks of this night she really enjoyed herself, we know even she didn't tell us." Ally said and smiled.

"You can just see it in her eyes, the moments when you don't look at her she looks at you as if you're the cure for cancer," Camila said, which make everyone in the room giggle. "I know I might not have the best outcome for words like these but I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at."

"I do." you said.

"Also, Y/N we will look after her when we get back on the road, you know how other people are snarky at her and you know that Lauren is just a walking goddess so it's not easy for others not to stare." Normani said.

You chuckled and nodded, "I'm aware of how goddess she could be, but she should be respected like one too. and ladies you guys are goddesses as well, you've inspire, empowered and teach different individuals to be a goddess in their own special way and if that is not how a goddess should be then I don't how."

"Aren't you charming." Normani said.

"Now I get why Lauren always describe you as charming." Camila said and laughed.

As you enjoyed the conversation with the ladies and did not escape from questions about the date, you are not the only one because soon after Lauren got changed she entered your bedroom only to find Zac, Cara, Andres and Shay.

"Hey Lauren." Andres said.

"Hello," she said and waved. "Is Y/N around?"

"No she's not but if you're gonna ask why we're here that is because we came here to talk to you." Shay said.

"It's not a bad thing." Zac said looking at Lauren's expression.

"Then, why does it feel like I'm going to be interrogated?" Lauren joked.

"Maybe, you will, but not entirely an interrogation." Cara said.

"It's more of like, a parent giving their child's suitor the talk." Zac said.

"Ooohhhh." Lauren said, bidding her head.

"Well, Lauren we just wanted to tell you how happy we are for you guys." Shay said.

"And we can't be more proud of you guys for finally acting up towards your feelings." Andres said.

"So, we are here to tell you how much you are welcomed in this family and you will always be." Zac said.

"And we might sound like as if you are Y/N's bride to be, well not now but maybe when the right time comes." Cara said and chuckled. "but right now we just want to inform you how Y/M looks so happy to finally be with you, you can tell by the way your name slurs out of her mouth, the way her eyes will look like as if she's dreaming everytime she talks about you."

"Yeah, and to be honesty, Lauren. You don't have to worry about Y/N we will take good care of her when you're away. we'll keep you updated of how much she sulks." Zac said and laughed.

At this special night, the ten of you bonded like you guys never did before and you asking Lauren out on a date has pushed Zac to finally talk to Ally alone when he got the chance to do so. He asked her when Ally walked out of Dinah's room, going back to hers when she bumped to Zac and Zac being the bold gentleman that he is cupped Ally's cheek and tenderly but slowly approached Ally's lips with his 90% of the way, waiting for Ally to seal it, which she did and the couple got he chance to sort things out.

As the sky get darker by the time it gets by, good things happened tonight and we all are glad that it happened. Ally and Zac, espicially You and LAuren,

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