Under The Cover Of Darkness

Start from the beginning

"You are out of your mind if you think I will go after a witcher. That one saved my life, and there are very few of them out there left because they can't reproduce. They are mutated men that are stronger than they look. Why don't you go after him yourself? Who knows, he might go quietly," she chuckled as she got ready to leave.

"I know you are stronger than him and who cares? He is a monster that needs killing; isn't that your job?" He asked.

"I kill the true monsters, the ones that kill people for fun. He is no monster, and his kind protects innocent people from dying from the real monsters," she informed.

"I was hoping you would be more welcoming to the thought," he sighed.

"Tell your boss that if he wants him so bad, get him, get the witcher yourself but trust me, if you go after him, I will personally skin him alive, and I have done it before. I have done a lot of gruesome things to get the point across, and he will be no exception," she hissed.

Then a dart hit her in her thigh, making her yelp. She pulled it out, but she started feeling the effects of whatever they had given her already.

"Well, then you will have to be the bait then. If you are his friend, he will come and save you. Who can resist a woman in distress?" He asked as she fell to her knees.

She couldn't move any part of her body or even say anything. Her eyesight began to get hazy, and she collapsed to the ground. Her horse stood by her, ready to protect her, as four men came from behind the trees.

"Was that your only dart?" The man on the slop asked.

"Yes, but this horse should be easy to sell," he informed as other men started to approach Agata.

One man tried to grab her rain,t she quickly stood up on her back legs and broke the man's neck as her front hooves came down on him. The man on the hill looked at her, shocked end not knowing how violent her horse was. He thought she trained it to kill monsters, not men! The only way they were going to get the girl was as if they killed Agata and took her that way.

"Put the horse down; we don't need it," the man on the hill said as he sat in the grass and waited for the show to start.

Geralt and Jaskier were following Stella and Geralt was in a better mood. He seemed chipper than usual, even though he was hiding it well. Jaskier, another hand, knew they would get their balls cut off by her.

"We shouldn't fallow her! She will make sure we never have children!" He warned.

"I can't have any children, so I have to worry about that," he said as he heard yelling.

"How hard is it to kill a fucking horse?!" A man yelled off in the distance.

He tried to find Stella by her natural smell, but he could smell her blood. He made Roach go faster as Jaskier was left behind.

He looked at him, shocked, and sighed as Geralt quickly took out his sword and left Roach behind. He saw Stella lying on the ground, and he couldn't tell if she was dead or not from where he was standing, but he was angry now. He saw the man on the hill yelling at the people to kill her horse. The man sighed angrily and then looked over to see the witcher.

"He's here! Kill the witcher!" The man yelled as the people that went after Stella was now going after him.

He slaughtered them, and he quickly grabbed the man and picked him by his throat. The man dropped his coins as Geralt pinned him to the tree. He looked over at Stella's horse and saw she got hurt a bit. Blood dripped from her wounds, and he saw four people were dead.

"Ah, witcher! Hello," he chuckled nervously.

"Why did you kill her?" He asked coldly, "Did you try to fuck her, and she said no to you? Were you going to rape her, and she fought you?!"

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