Chapter 10 - And A Beef Stew

Start from the beginning

"Seriously All Might, what is that kid?", inquired Aizawa. "At the very least he doesn't have a traditional quirk."

"Yeah, he's a nice kid but do you really expect us to believe the explanation that he's "magic"," scoffed Midnight.

All Might shut the door and after making sure they were alone, exhaled and shifted to his natural state. "That's what he's always said, when I first met him the way he described his quirk, it reminded me of someone from my past, someone very dangerous." The serious tone he was taking with his colleagues caused them to shudder, anyone All Might would consider very dangerous is not someone they wanted to tangle with. "That's why I started "training" him. He was already very powerful, naturally inquisitive with the world and a bit head strong. He seems like a good kid, hasn't given me reason to suspect him of anything, but." There was always a but, they were pros they knew this. "I did some digging into the family history. Mother works as a grocer, met her on a few occasions, nothing out of the ordinary." He let out a sigh, "The father however, is an entirely different story."

"I was told by Mrs. Midoriya, that he was just working abroad, that topic gets avoided if I ever bring it up with Izuku. I tried using some contacts to track him down, bank deposits, company names. Came back with nothing, a monthly deposit from child services shows it looks like child support, but working that backwards, gets me nothing, it's shell company after shell company."

All Might gives a moment to let the information settle, "Nedzu-san has been helping me sift through some of this but it keeps leading to dead ends, abandoned warehouses and office buildings that haven't been used since pre-quirk days. This guy is a ghost, all I have is the name Hisashi Midoriya. Which to be honest, concerns me. It seems like his name is a joke, "It's been a while since I last saw you". I just hope I'm overcomplicating things, and the dad is just at worst a deadbeat. Otherwise…" he begins to trail off, "The world is going to go through some very tough times."

Despite how well the days class went, there came a separate problem, dinner. As the residents of the dorm started to remember, the school was only providing breakfast and lunch for them. This lead to a few discussions on what that even meant. Mostly about if they even knew how to cook or if microwave dinners would suffice. The discussions were starting to get a bit louder as they each tried to roll into one another, until a loud thumping noise broke through and caused them all to stop.

"Thank you, Jirou-san," said Yaoyorozu, "Now I think we all have a general idea of what the discussions we've been having are all about." Noticing nods around the room, "However that is just a smaller part of a much bigger problem we will be facing." As more people started to settle in around her, patiently waiting to hear her suggestion. "We are a bunch of teenagers together in one, albeit large, house. For the foreseeable future, we are going to be living aside one another, so we need to develop some rules or else this won't work."

After an hour of discussion, they created a fair way to divide up the weekly chores and daily tasks.

The next morning everyone had mostly settled in at the dorms and the general classes weren't too different from what they were doing at their middle schools, except these classes were much more advanced, to be the top school in the country, they couldn't just produce the best heroes, they also had to produce the best minds. This lead to a few of the students who were already struggling in the classes. It was agreed upon that study groups would be necessary to maintain good grades, since if they did not perform well academically they could be removed from the hero course as well.

After lunch they were instructed by their homeroom teachers to head to the gymnasium for the Rescue portion of their class. So a few of the students who made it in to the hero course using that category were excited to see what they would be doing.

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