Chapter 10 - And A Beef Stew

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At the end of the buzzer, the students who were captured started pulling themselves up and everyone began making their way to the exit and the participants were discussing amongst each other what they thought of the exercise.

When they reached the remaining groups and teachers back at the staging area the group was bombarded with questions. "Ok students, lets back off and begin the review, that should answer most of the questions anyway", commented Blood King as he tried to calm down a bunch of excited teenagers. "First, we will begin to discuss the important topic, how did "Wonder Team"," he sarcastically said, "Win the exercise? Izuku, if you would, explain how you got the flag out." He requested, it was something everyone except All Might seemed to be questioning.

"Well," as Izuku tried to start, then he suddenly realized everyone was focused on him, shrinking back a little, "I, put Kodai-san, in the, into the crowd." He whispered out. "I've been able to disappear myself for a while now, so I figured I could disappear her as well, and sort of put her out of the area so she could reach through the hat and take the flag." As the students pondered and tried to figure out what his quirk was their thoughts were interrupted by a raucous laughter.

"Bwahaha, just like the microwave Young Midoriya." All Might burst out. "In one place and out the other." He moved over to Izuku to pat him on the back. As the rest of the class looked at Izuku as if he had just grown a second, third and fourth head, those who were listening to his story at the entrance exam remembered him saying he was trained by a pro.

"Now before we start the next group, it's important to reflect on our actions and what didn't work and what did so, what are some ways any of you might have improved?", asked Aizawa. "As was mentioned earlier, learning from a failure is just as important on succeeding. We will begin with Honenuki-san," picking a student at random, "What could you have done better?"

"Well, it's a bit embarrassing but, I should have learned to work with my team better, Midoriya-san saw us for about a minute or so and already could tell we weren't working together nor to our fullest potential. It's kind of disheartening that after having my quirk for so long I never thought to try to use it in conjunction with other quirks." As he tapered off his response a few people started thinking of how their quirks can be used with other quirks to make them stronger.

"That's a good response and since you worked with Shiozaki-san, we'll go to her next." Aizawa continued. This group seemed to be less likely to disappoint him, he wouldn't admit that, but still they had potential.

"Honenuki-san was right, I never considered ways that my quirk can be used to supplement the powers of others, so our team work was not great. It was really admirable that Midoriya-san would be so willing to share advice on how to improve ourselves even if he was competing against us." Shiozaki finished the thought that Honenuki started.

As the rest of the students commented on their own thoughts for the exercise, one overarching theme was apparent, they needed to get better at working together. The remaining groups began thinking of how to work together, so as the other three games went the teams got more and more in sync with each other and started trying maneuvers, that didn't always work, but it got them experimenting.

At the end of the class, it didn't matter which teams won anymore, it was about how fun it was to use their quirks with people who they hoped in a few years to call friend. "Well students, I hoped you learned the important lesson we were trying to teach you," All Might stated with much vigor, "So next time when you get paired off, it becomes second nature to assess the quirks you have available to create a winning strategy. Now run along and enjoy the rest of your day, for those of you in the dorms it will be a good time to finish setting up your rooms." As the students filter out, with All Might waving them off, he was suddenly cornered by the three other instructors.

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