Chapter 5 - Flirting with Everything

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To say Inko was not happy when Izuku had gotten home, was an understatement, raising a son like Izuku had led her to pick up a few of his habits as well, one of which was a morbid curiosity with watching hero fights, for her though she prefers to watch from the safety of her home instead of on the front lines liker her son. She only allowed him this because he swore he would never get involved in the fight and that he had to be there to get the full experience of quirks if he was going to study them. She also didn't mind seeing some of the more, athletic, heroes work. She would never admit that she had used the footage of some more 'masculine' heroes as inspiration on particularly lonely nights, she was still an attractive woman and had a healthy libido, not her fault many of the heroes looked so good in spandex, but that is a story for Izuku's third year at UA or why coming home unannounced for the weekend leads to a stern conversation on what socks on door handles mean, or as Izuku refers to it as reason #103 he needs a therapist.

So, imagine her surprise when she had received a very frantic phone call from her friend Mitsuki, just because their sons are at odds doesn't mean she needs to lose the few friends she has too, it's hard to meet new people as a single mom. So a quick call where she spent much of it just trying to get her friend to speak slowly enough to understand, followed by turning on the television to see in a news broadcast how All Might had saved two young boys from a villain didn't seem to register, beyond her swooning when All Might showed up, it was so paternal how he protected young children. Until the feed looped to show what happened before All Might arrived on the scene, where she saw a familiar head of yellow causing a completely recognizable amount of destruction, then her own panic attack as she watched a small green head run in and swift motion she had seen practiced regularly, her own idiot son, who she loved dearly, had broken the ultimate rule she had given him when it came to watching these hero fights. Knowing that she didn't need to plan her son's funeral because All Might had saved her son from being decapitated by an explosion, she instead started planning his funeral for when she killed him. The weather was improving so she settled on a spring funeral, she always liked to see the cherry blossoms in bloom.

However, she had to wait for when her son came home. And dinner time had passed quietly, with Inko sitting in a chair watching the front door for when her soon to be deceased child came home. Her face pulled into an almost demonic grin of sadistic glee when she heard her son outside the apartment door, sure him talking might have been strange, since she swore she could hear two voices, but that was chalked up to Izuku having one final muttering spree before he accepted his fate. So she patiently waited, frying pan on her lap. She hadn't waited long as the doorknob slowly turned and Izuku cautiously peaked his head into the entryway.

"It's really dark, Mom", said Izuku. Unsure why the lights seemed to have been turned off this late in the evening and that he could hear no sounds from the apartment. "Mom, I'm home." Glancing around and not somehow missing the form sitting in a chair a few feet away from him. "I think she's gone, this could be good, maybe we can have this talk with her later, like tomorrow, or never. Yeah never is good, lets schedule it then."

A flick of the lightswitch and Izuku's sudden realization that he was within three feet of his mother and didn't even know so he did what any teenager does when they know they got busted doing something they shouldn't have. He screamed like a little girl and began begging for mercy. As Inko was about to waylay into her son and have a brand-new, idiot son shaped dent in her favorite cooking implement, she noticed that her son had not returned home alone. Stopping herself from murdering her son in front of a witness, she decided to at the very least ascertain why this person was accompanying her son home. Taking in the sight of this man, he had very gaunt, almost sickly-looking features. His clothes hung loose on his frame, which seemed to be consumed by the size of his suit which was probably 8 or 9 sizes to big for him. His lips were pushed back into a grin, displaying an enormous jaw that a gigantic set of chompers. If he had some meat on him, he might not look so creepy, smiling like that. Then his eyes, Inko stopped, his eyes looked so tired, so full of pain and suffering, yet so very inviting and full of life, it wasn't until Izuku had stopped his pleas for mercy and noticed his mom staring at his guest, that he got her attention back to him.

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