Chapter 41 - Pool Party Part 1 (Mitch)

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"That was platonic. Now, she's realized that a bland, dependable man is as good—no a better boyfriend than an exciting asshole with issues."

Shawn ran his hands through the water. "She'd be good for you."

"And I'd be terrible for her. Should I tell her in front of Tom and ruin the party?"

Shawn narrowed his eyes. "Don't be a jerk. Tell her later and give her time to decide. If she doesn't know you like her, she's not choosing Tom over you."

"It was a nice idea, but I lost my chance."

With a raised eyebrow, Shawn said, "Don't be so sure."

As a Thai beauty in a black, plunging v-neck one-piece with a thin white open robe walked in from the changing rooms, several heads turned. Damn, if only they didn't work together, and she wasn't Maria's close friend. She'd make a perfect distraction from losing Maria, although Shawn would kill him, and it could go as badly as the last time when he called the woman Maria while they hooked up. While Mitch, Shawn, and a few other guys dropped their jaws, none left their equally hot date in the pool to greet Prae.

From where she sat alone, Maria watched the exchange with a neutral expression then turned her head to catch Mitch's gaze. A grin slid onto her lips, and her body shook as she laughed, including the gorgeous breasts that attracted his attention like the magnetic North Pole. After Shawn nodded in her direction, Mitch swam to the striking Filipina in the orange bikini.

He stood beside her as the cooler, yet still warm, winter air hit his skin. "Enjoying the party?

"Yeah, it turned out great. I can't believe you set this all up yourself this morning." She stared at the basic silhouette cardstock figures he'd used to represent different countries and some postcards and souvenirs he'd nicked from his and Shawn's collection.

"My potluck dish was pretty simple. I had the time," he said.

"It was sweet of you to do. How are you feeling?" She focused on him without looking at Tom for a second, despite the man's interest in Prae.

"Better. Had a wonderful sleep."

"Funny you should mention it. I did too."

Mitch fed off the energy of Maria's smile. Was she flirting with him or just being nice after seeing him fall apart? It had to be the latter.

Tom's laugh carried to their end of the pool while he chatted with Prae with an ear-to-ear grin. He didn't glance at Maria once. Part of Mitch simmered. How could someone who claimed to care for her leave her like this?

"Our guest of honour is getting a good welcome," Mitch said.

Maria looked at Prae, who stepped closer to Tom and giggled. To Mitch's surprise, Maria smiled. "Yeah, she looks happy."

Was Maria that naïve, or did she like Tom enough? Mitch shook away the question. She'd been kissing Tom minutes ago. It wasn't that. Tom's ex devastated him by cheating, so Mitch doubted Tom could do that to anyone else. Still, Mitch's gut clenched.

"It doesn't bother you?"

Maria shrugged and ran her fingers through her silky hair. "It's Tom. Should it? Though I used to think my ex would never betray me either too until I found him with my best friend."

Mitch fought the urge to wrap his arms around her to make that pained expression vanish. She had a point about Tom. The guy harboured too much animosity toward cheaters to hurt Maria in that way. He and Prae were friends; though friends seldom got that much attention and enthusiasm around a romantic interest. Stop, Mitch's mind whispered. You're just trying to twist things in your favour. "Tom's a good person. Your ex was a tool."

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