Safe after midnight

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Text me when you get home
A ritual we shared together
An unwritten, unspoken vow to protect each other
For the time we're departed
Know you're not alone
We are with you
Safe after midnight
Huddled around a makeshift fire
Ripped journal pages, cigarette lighters and abandoned wood we claimed
Soft cheers as the glow wrapped around us
You shone the brightest
A natural white glow basking the sands
The line of the sea invisible
Grazing and crashing
A peaceful melody drifting through the air
Text me when you get home
She will follow you there
The stars aligned, perfection
They followed her, for years and years
Temporarily hidden till nightfall
They shall return
Promises kept
The clocks tick, counting down the seconds to her departure, but for you she stops time till the sound of your door clicks shut.
"I'm safe." You reply
Love, Sunny

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