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Ten years have passed.

Although there is still death and chaos in the outside world and unfortunately they have gone through so much hardship, all of them have managed to survive and live each day of their life as if it was their last.
The city that was once a dangerous place to be in has now slowly made its way back to being livable, from seeing small markets being built to the people being able to roam freely without worries, however, they are far from safe since they're still zombies lurking around the city...

"Thanks for doing business with you," said the owner as he traded a small bag of goodies for two gallons of fresh water.
"Sato, you know you could've waited until the merchant lowered the price for some of the items, right?" Jirou said to him as they were walking out of the market alley.
"I couldn't really resist," he added while looking through some of the goodies inside. "But I just couldn't pass it and besides the kids back at the village will love it."
"I'm sure they will." Once outside, they meet up with the rest of the scouts who have a few items of their own. Among them was Midoriya, over the years he has been growing a lot from the fragile little boy to being the young man with a couple scars on him, his hair being turned into an undercut and yet he still looks the same from the freckles on his face to the big green eyes that are filled with joy and happiness.
"Is that everyone?" Midoriya asked the group.
"I believe so," Sato said while he put the goodies inside his traveling bag.
"Guess you got impatient and got some sweets," Midoriya added while trying not to laugh.
"Yeah, but it was a steal so I took the offer."
"Alright everyone let's head back," Bakgou said as he started walking away.
"Hey! You know you can't go on your own!" Jirou said while she, along with everyone else, was following behind.
"You guys were too slow and besides it's almost sun down so we better head back as quickly as we can."
"Right!" While they were heading back, Midoriya looked around the area and came to realize that they had come upon the street where both him and his mother will always take.


He went away from the group without them realizing and before he knew it, he saw his old apartment complex. He just stood there seeing this now rundown building and felt a sense of nostalgia creeping up on him, but in a good way.

"Mommy, can we go to the park, please!" He was jumping up and down with his All Might onesies and an action figure in his hand. His mother looked at him, smiled at him as she put away the last dish, picked him up and started walking towards the door.
"Ready to have fun?"
"YEAH!!!" He said excitedly and began to swing his action figure around like it was flying. "Let's go save the world! They need our help!"
"Let's go, Mighty Boy!"

"Oi!" Midoriya looked to his right and saw both Jirou and Bakugou standing there.
"Are you gonna come with us or stay here?"
"I'm coming," He looked back at the apartment for a moment or two. "I just remember that I need to get something from here."
"Like what?" Jirou asked.
"You'll see.."

Inside their village, it was still the same as before, but they have made a few changes. For starters, the fences are now more secure, the village itself has grown a lot over the years. All around they have decided to build a couple of small housings where some of the tents used to stand, however, they kept the ones that used to belong to the ones who were once there along with decorations that were still there. Near the fences, they have small towers that are connected as well as having a walkthrough and a couple of ladders too. While everyone else was busy doing their chores, ending their training for the night, or just hanging out with one another, in front of the gate, there was a little boy sitting on the dirt floor just waiting. He had the same freckles on his face, the same bushy, greenish-black hair, and the same big eyes, but his eye color was gold.
'When are they gonna come back? It's getting late!' the young boy was getting impatient at this point.
"Hey kid," He looked up and saw the now grown up Hado walking up to him. Although he does have a small beard and his hair is a bit messy, he still has the same kind eyes, the same attitude, and that same smile. The only difference about him was that his automobile arm was upgraded to make it lighter in weight and could pull out a little weapon that he now has.
"Hi Uncle Hado," the boy said. As soon as he said that, Hado immediately started to ruffle his hair.
"Didn't I tell ya just call me Hado, you know calling me uncle makes me feel old."
"Right, sorry Hado."
"OPEN THE GATES! OPEN THE GATES!!" The boy immediately stood up and jumped up and down with excitement.
"They're home! They're home!!" He was about to start running, but then Hado grabs him by the shirt and pulls him up in the air.
"Hey Let Go Hado!"
"Kazuki, you know the rules so be patient, okay." The boy pouted, but he knew the rules. Slowly the gates were finally beginning to open. Everyone gathered around the area waiting for them to come back with supplies that they will soon be getting for the village. Sure enough the small group separated from the others, waving them goodbye and headed inside.
"Welcome home," Gramps said while walking in with his cane to support him.
"Glad you're finally using that cane of yours, sir." Midoriya said as he walked up to him.
"You know you can still call me Gramps,"
"Right, my bad si-Gramps."
"Daddy!!!" He turned his attention towards Kazuki who was running towards him. He quickly went down to his level, had his arms out to him, picked him up, and threw him up in the air a bit which made the little boy laugh and scream with joy.
"Have you been waiting for me again?" He asked.
"Yeah, I wanted to make sure that you came back from your m-misson."
"You know I always do."

-MHA AU-  A Post-Apocalyptic WorldWhere stories live. Discover now