~Chapter Thirty Nine: Thank You~

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The next morning finally came to the village in the north.

As always everyone was up and ready for the day from guarding the fences to doing their daily chores for the day. Midoriya woke up from the noises outside, but he didn't move at all since Mina was still sleeping soundly on his chest with the blanket covering the both of them.

'Guess she needed it to let go...' he thought. He slowly moved his hand, placed it onto her hair and gently stroked it.

'Has her hair always been this messy?'

"THEY'RE HERE!!! OPEN THE GATES!!" The fences begin to open which wakes up Mina.


"I think they're here." Midoriya said. Immediately Mina pushed herself up, stretched her arms out and let out a huge yawn.

"Morning sleepy head." Midoriya said with a small smile on his face. She looked at him and gave him a genuine smile. Seeing her smiling like that again did put him at ease for a bit.

"Ready to go meet them?" He asked.

"You know it." Once they were dressed and had their shoes on, they both walked out the tent with the sun shining out through the clouds that were in the way. Outside, they noticed some of the villagers were talking to Mr. Aizawa who was with the two youngsters along with Eri who was staying close to him. What surprised them both was that Bakugou was there too, Midoriya did think that he was there in case they get ambushed and needed to use his quirk to protect them.

"Welcome to the north village, Aizawa." Gramps said with a smile on his face and a cane on his hand. Ever since he overused his quirk during that incident, he was taking a lot longer for recovery time and needed some support for his balance as well as taking a few more breaks than usual, but even so he still takes care of his people.

"So you finally decided to use the cane," Aizawa mentioned as he looked at the cane by him.

"Thought you wouldn't notice it." Gramps added who sounded a little bit embarrassed.

"I'm not blind you know."

"I know," Everyone did greet them with open arms, well more so with Katsuma who was happy to be back in the village that found him.

"Good to see you here again," Hado said as he ruffled his hair which made him laugh. "Decided to come back to the north?"

"I'm just here to pay my respects to Mimi." Hado smiled a bit when he said that.

"Little man!" He looked over, saw both Mina and Midoriya walking towards them waving at them, and found himself going up to them both.

"Pinky! Midoriya!" He manages to hug them, but only for a moment or two before he lets them go.

"So this is the north village?" Mahoro questioned as she looked around the area. "Looks a lot bigger here than at the other one."

"You think so?" Bakugou asked, a bit annoyed.

"Yep! And more friendlier than someone I know," when she said that, she gave Bakugou that smirk look on her face.

"Hey you take that back you little brat!!"

"Never!" That annoyed him even more, but before he could say anything else, he was hit on the top his head by Mr. Aizawa who was just as annoyed about her attitude, but even more with Bakugou's outburst.

"Bakugou, what did I say before we got here?"

"Don't be a loudmouth punk." While everyone else was either talking to Katsuma and Mahoro, or just trying to laugh at Bakugou for getting into trouble once again, Midoriya stood there seeing everyone having a good time for once. Although the kids were only here to pay their respects to Mimi, they were also here to hang out with them as well as getting to know more about the other villages that were here inside the forest away from the abandoned city.

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