"Argh!" you all look at Yumeri. "I said, Mikey can-"

"Ah, yes. I'll tell Mikey then," Emma cut her off.

"Yosh, it's decided! We will all go this weekend," Hina announced.

"You are all mean," Yumeri pouted.

Few days later, you went to the Sano residence to pick Emma up, as well as Yumeri who lives across them. You will all go to Hinata's house and there, you will prepare all the things needed for this day.

Even though you didn't want it, you have no choice. You just can't say no to them after all. You thought about what to cook for Izana multiple times but you couldn't think of any.

You sighed before ringing their doorbell. One of the gate doors was opened, you just didn't want to trespass. After waiting for a minute, Izana went out. Your gazes met before Izana decided to walk towards the gate. You thought that he was going to welcome you but he went inside Mikey's room instead.

Immediately, you know he is avoiding you. But why? You thought that you two were okay. Is he still upset about what happened in the shrine and all?

Pressing the button once again, you waited for someone to come at you. Mikey went out of his cage with a messy hair and a towel. He looked like he was sleep walking. He opened the other gate and went back in his room.

You entered their home, gently closing the gates before proceeding on your way to Emma. Before you even got inside the house, you heard someone knocking on the wooden gate aggressively.

"Mikey!! Open up!!" it was Yumeri's voice. "Quick!"

Izana once again went out of Mikey's and headed towards the gate. He opened it for Yumeri and then closed it after she got in. He went back to Mikey's without even looking at you.

"Oh, you're here," Yumeri said. "Good morning!!"

"You're too loud, Yumeri," you commented.

"Ah, sorry about that. Just really excited," she replied.

"Hi," you both flinched when Emma teleported and greeted. "Let's go?"

"When did you get here?" Yumeri asked.

"The moment you banged our gate?" she explained. "(N/N)-chan was too busy staring at Izana so she didn't notice me. How could you not notice me?"

"Okay, let's go!!" Yumeri cheered.

You pushed Emma's wheelchair while Yumeri lead the way out. She went to gather the ingredients she apparently bought before going to Emma. She bought too much that she's now having a hard time carrying them. In the end, she handed two bags of ingredients to Emma.

When you arrived at Hinata's house, the kitchen was already prepared for the chaos. Naoto and their mother were dressed up; they are going somewhere else so they wouldn't be a bother for the four of you.

Hinata welcomed you before proceeding to the kitchen. Yumeri placed all the bags of ingredients on the kitchen table and excitedly scanned the tools she would be using.

They started cooking together, of course, helping Emma, while you still think about what to cook. In the end, they told you to cook rice, maybe an onigiri or sushi. You also made Karaage for a side dish.

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