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Before this chapter starts I wanted to say happy holidays to everyone that celebrates it! It is Christmas eve here in the U.S and I am so thankful for all of you reading my story. I read every comment you guys leave and it makes me smile, every like makes me happy, and every read lifts my spirits. I'm seriously so thankful for you guys and I love you so much.
I'll have a little author's note at then end, but let's get on to the chapter~

The silence lasted a few seconds, I sat there too stunned to speak. Heeseung was Pertons son? And for some reason he hates Amara. I'm seriously starting to hate this Perton guy.

Sure I'm thankful that he sent people to save my Jake, but he wasn't the one saving him! He just likes to be the big man I charge.

"Heeseung, are you okay?" Sunoo asked slowly.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. He is correct about some things, I do lack judgment and discipline. Maybe this was just a wake up call." Heeseung said sadly.

"Don't think like that." Jungwon jumped in. "I've known you for long enough to know you do hold those traits, but most importantly you see things as a whole picture. You are a good person Heeseung and you saved Amaras life and helped save Jake's. Don't let what that stupid man said get into your head."

Heeseung stayed quiet as I watched this situation. They seemed like friends, like actual friends. I'm conflicted, I want to trust these boys but how do I know this isn't all an act? A few hours ago they were still pretending to be princes.

"If it's alright with you guys, could our unit get to…..know you? We feel bad about this situation but at the same time we are here to protect you." Jay said. I slowly nodded.

"Thank you." Jay said as he turned to Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Heuningkai. "You guys are welcome to stay but we won't make you, you are a different unit after all."

"Thank you for the invitation, but I think we will let you guys bond, after all it is officially your mission to save the prince, we are just your helpers." Soobin said as the five of them walked away. "Oh, and don't worry, we won't tell Perton you guys are talking. Lord knows he would throw a fit if his agents has personalities." Soobin laughed.

We all gave him a smile as they left, and Ni-Ki guided the rest of us to a big room inside the castle. When the door opened, this room stood out. There were computer screens everywhere, training equipment, doors that lead to different living spaces, and a metal carving on the floor reading 'unit 1'. It felt like a whole new world while standing in this room.

"This is our place." Ni-Ki said. "The 5 of us; me, Sunoo, Jungwon, Jay, and Heeseung make up the unit 1 agents here at the Universal Saving Society. Jungwon is our leader, but for the most part we just do everything as a team."

"This place is impressive." Jake said as he looked around, jaw dropping to the floor.

"Thanks, this has been our home since we were kids." Sunoo said.

"Wait, what? You've been training here since you were kids?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, about the last 10 years." He said.

"But…. I don't understand, you guys were just kids." I said. The room got silent as the whole unit looked at Heeseung.

"It was 10 years ago when General Perton….my dad started this place. He was a wealthy man, but wanted to help our family name go down in history. He searched across the country for the most smart or athletic boys he could find. He paid their parents a handsome amount of cash, and has trained them ever since. In total, there are 100 units, all made of 5 boys that were taken from their family at a young age for the soul purpose of being able to save." Heeseung said. "It's terrible, he is a monster. Once the boys are here, they don't have a choice."

He hung his head in shame.

"I've trained here since it opened, I'm supposed to take on my fathers position, but I'm not ready yet. He can't look at me and see anything but faults." Heeseung looked on the brink of tears, it broke my heart to see someone like that. I saw a tear slip out of Amaras eye, but she didn't say anything.

"It's not your fault Heeseung." Jungwon said. "You’ll take on his position one day and we will bring this place to the ground."

"Was that a plan I heard?" I stepped up and asked.

"Yes, yes it was. And it involved Jake and Sunghoon. You as well Amara if you wish to participate." Jay said.

"I've been researching you practically my whole life Jake, and I think I know how you are going to save the world." Jungwon said. "You can help us save the world from Perton. He is power hungry and once he brought you here, he wanted to use you. Join us, help us bring this place down. You are a prince, a natural born leader, you can lead all 100 of our units and stop Perton."

Authors Note
I really wanted to leave this space here to ask you guys some questions and get your opinion.
Is there something you think this story is lacking? What do I need to add.
I'm planning on focusing in Jake and Sunghoons relationship more, but  any other relationships you want to see chunks of?
Any suggestions? I'm really just curious what you guys think lol.
Anyways, I love you guys and I plan to update soon ♡

The Painted Prince |Jakehoon| ~Enhypen~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt