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The maids and the general left along with our agent friends. They told us they were showing Amara to a room and we could get changed in the princes quarters.

"It's strange." Jake said. "It looks like my room, but everything is different. I've never felt such soft flooring before. And this….I don't even know what this is." He said as he picked up a TV remote. 

"How about we wait until tomorrow to explain that. I'm sure your mind already feels blown." I said as I sat next to Jake on the bed.

"I've always known I was different, but not in a special way." Jake said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when I was little I heard all the stories of princesses marrying princes. But for some reason, I was jealous of the girls. Not that I wanted to be a girl, but I wanted my own knight in shining armour to carry me away. I tried so hard to have crushes on the girls around me, but when I was alone with my thoughts I just kept picturing a boy. He would love me endlessly and do anything for me." Jake sighed.

"I know that this is different from your time period, but here that is normal and accepted. In most places you aren't shunned or told to hide when you like someone of the same gender." I said as I grabbed Jake's warm hand. "It's going to be okay, Jake."

He hummed and squeezed my hand. "I've always liked the way you say my name. I hope you keep saying it." He said as he walked to the closet and shut the door. 

I sat there a blushing mess. How can his simple words make my heart beat this fast? After a few seconds I calmed my breathing just as he exited the closet. He wore a white t-shirt and black pants. He looked sexy as hell in them, but also very confused.

"Am I wearing this right? It seems strange." He said.

"You are wearing it correctly." I said with a laugh as I stood and entered the changing room. I decided to contrast Jake's outfit by wearing a Black t-shirt and white pants. I walked out and he looked at me for a bit too long.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I tired, my awful excuse for a flirt.

"Uhh, what's a picture?" Jake said, looking up at me with puppy eyes.

"Nevermind. Let's go find the others, I'm starving." I said as we trotted out of the room.


The castle itself was mostly empty, but everything was clean and up to date. We heard voices coming from what used to be the ball room, so we ran down the stairs to investigate.

Our friends, or the agents I should call them, were standing backs against the wall in a straight line with blank expression. Amara had been seated at a long table, facing the boys, as the general sat on the other side.

I sat next to Amara as Jake followed suit.

"Are you okay?" I asked Amara.

"Yes, I'm just confused." She whispered back. I'd be confused if I was her too. We still weren't sure if we could trust our agent friends. Had anything they said to us been true?

"Now, let me ask you three, do you have any questions about your current situation?" General Perton asked.

"I do actually. How does Amara fit into all this?" I asked.

"Ah yes, that one I only just answered myself after talking to our agents. It seems as if one of my men felt such strong….feelings for Amara that he went against his better judgment and brought her along." Perton said.

Heeseungs blank face faltered, he ever so slightly dropped his head, but quickly returned to his straight blank expression.

"That agent in question will be punished correctly. For you Amara, if you wish we can send you back. We will take away your memories of the events that happened and you may live a normal life." He said.

"No, she can't!" Heeseung shouted and immediately shut his mouth, realizing what he had done.

General Perton made an angry face as he stood up and faced Heeseung.

Without warning he lifted his hand and struck Heeseung across the face. It made a loud sound and everyone in the room held their breath. I could feel Amara shaking next to me as she stared daggers into General Pertons head.

"I will not be spoken to that way! You are a good soldier but lack judgment and discipline. After the events of today you are lucky I'm not throwing you in jail for almost compromising this mission over a stupid crush!" Perton screamed.

He slowly started walking away, but turned back one last time to look at Heeseung. 

"You are lucky you are my Son." Perton said as he stormed out of the room. We stood in silence, to terrified to speak.

The Painted Prince |Jakehoon| ~Enhypen~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora