"Ugh." I groaned out loud. Ryker and his friend, Jordan, gave me a concerned look.

"You okay, Holland?" Jordan asked. Ryker growled at him and Jordan backed off. Grey and Ryker took all day Sunday to explain to me the whole werewolf thing with other werewolves.

Did you know that they have packs? Like hoards of werewolves living together? And that there are people in charge called 'alpha'? Apparently, Grey and Ryker are alpha of their pack, like they share the title. Something about the Fates wanting it that way, I don't know. It was too much for me to take in.

And apparently, Jordan is a werewolf too. Apparently, most of the people that Grey and Ryker hang out with are werewolves. Even some of my friends are werewolves!

"I'm fine, thank you." I stuck my tongue out at Ryker and his palm stretched out over my thigh, squeezing it as a warning of some sort.

"Watch your tone." Ryker said under his breath. I bit my lip from saying something else. I did not want to get into trouble.

The door to the classroom creaked open, and in popped a face I had never seen before. It was a girl, and she was gorgeous. She had huge, pretty eyes, and her brown wavy hair cascaded down her back as she stepped into the classroom. She was tall, and gorgeous.

And behind her was Grey.

What was he doing with her? Why are they breathing so hard? Were they doing something together? Does Grey not want me anymore?

I could barely hear what she was saying as my chest started caving in, and my heart sank with it. Grey doesn't want me anymore. Grey does not want me anymore. Of course he doesn't, that new girl is freaking gorgeous, he would be stupid if he stayed with me. I don't deserve him, I never did.

I felt Ryker's grip on my thigh tighten. His hot breath was fanning down my neck.

"Holland, what is wrong?" His voice was deeper, it was Levi. I couldn't speak, there was a knot in my throat. His grip tightened to the point of pain and I let out a squeak so low, only Ryker could hear.

"I...Grey..." I tried to get out, but it was too painful to say out loud. Grey's head snapped in my direction. I thought I saw his eyes turn black before they flashed back to green.

"Oh, and the principal needs to see Holland and Ryker." Grey casually said to the teacher. But I didn't want to move. I didn't want to go anywhere with Grey if he didn't want me anymore.

"Alright fine. Holland, Ryker, go to the principal's office." The teacher rolled her eyes as Ryker practically dragged me out of the classroom and into the hallway.


"It's Levi, right now. And shut that pretty mouth of yours, Holland." Levi spoke as he dragged me through the hallways, Grey right behind us. We finally found an empty classroom. Levi perched me on the teacher's desk as Grey locked the door behind us.

"Now tell me, my dear, beautiful Holland. What has got you so worked up, hm?" He gently grabbed my face and made me look into his pitch black eyes. They were searching me, trying to find the answer.

"I, um...It's just that....Grey and..." I sighed. I closed my eyes, regained my composure, and opened them. "Grey was with that new girl, and I don't know what they were doing, and they were breathing hard, and what if he doesn't want me anymore?" I finally got out. I felt the tears coming.

"Now why in the world would you think that?" Levi questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"Because he doesn't want to share me anymore, and I'm not as beautiful as the other girl that Grey was walking with, and why would he want me? I don't deserve any of the love that you guys give me, and I can't breathe." My body was racking with sobs as tears streamed down my face. Saying all of my thoughts out loud made them sound even more realistic, and I couldn't breathe. I felt as if all my words were coming to life and crushing me.

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