Forty one

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"Wait, your hair," Jimin said with lips gapping a little.

"Yeah," Yoongi said as he shook his head and ran his hands on the soft silver locks. "Is it weird?" He asked after a long moment of silence.

"Y-your hair was b-black just now," Jimin said as he looked at how ethereal Yoongi looks right now.

His silver hair shining in the lights under the dark, his pale complexion contrasting beautifully with the shiny silver slightly long hair. He looks like an angel from the underworld as well as a devil from paradise with those small fangs.

Jimin never knew he needed silver haired Yoongi in his life until now.

"You're... Wow," Jimin said, totally and utterly fascinated.

Yoongi laughed a silly laugh. "So I'm guessing it looks ok?"

"Just ok? No, you look absolutely breathtaking right now," Jimin said dreamily.

"Oh well," Yoongi said as he smiled.

Oh the thin lips that fit so well with Jimin's plump ones. His lips when smiling makes him more handsome, his normal expression looks hot while his smile showing his gums look too cute in him.

Wow, Jimin can stare at him all day and night till infinity and would still be amazed at how perfect he is.

"Jimin?" Yoongi said as he snapped his fingers in front of Jimin's face, bringing him back to earth.

"Huh? Oh yeah," Jimin said with a dreamy smile.

Jimin suddenly wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck as he came closer to him than before. Staring in Yoongi's now maroon eyes. He didn't need to ask to know maroon was his natural eye colour.

"You're so perfect, I could stare at you for as long as time goes by," Jimin said huskily as he breathed on Yoongi's lips.

"I think you're sleepy," Yoongi said with a chuckle.

"I'm not," Jimin whined as he pecked Yoongi's nose.

"You are sleepy," Yoongi said making Jimin pout.

"How can you say that?" Jimin said stubbornly as he clung onto Yoongi even closely.

"Because you always become clingy when you're sleepy," Yoongi booped Jimin's nose making Jimin pout more.

"Yes, I'm sleepy, what time is it," Jimin said as he rubbed his heavy eyelids.

"Mmm..." Yoongi took out his phone to check the time. "Eight p.m."

"What?" Jimin said in surprise.

"Yup," Yoongi said. "Let's go," Yoongi grinned as he removed Jimin's arms gently and intertwined their hands together.

Jimin sighed. "Where we going?" Jimin mumbled.

"To my home," Yoongi said with a chuckle.

"Uh huh," Jimin nodded.

They both walked hand in hand, sharing small talks on the way, giggles and chuckles escaping their lips ever so often.

There was one thing for sure, they both were becoming indispensable for each other without realising.

"Annnd," Yoongi said as he stopped making Jimin stop too. "We're here."

"Y-you.. You call this a house?" Jimin said as he saw the huge house in front of him with mouth agape and eyes wide.

"Um, yeah?" Yoongi said, unsure what to conclude.

They both walked towards the door with Jimin still being shocked.

The guards bowed to Yoongi as they both went inside.

"Are you serious?" Jimin whispered as he looked around the 'house' with large eyes.

"Is this not comfortable to you? Want me to take you somewhere else? I promise I didn't want to make you uncom-" Yoongi's rambling became muffled for a split second before he stopped saying anything when Jimin kissed him on his lips as the only way to shut him up.

Jimin pulled away with a smile. "It's wonderful actually, don't worry," Jimin assured.

"I'm glad," Yoongi said with a cheeky smile and saw Jimin yawning cutely.

"Let's get you to bed," Yoongi said, taking Jimin's hand on his own. Jimin just hummed as they started walking up the stairs.

"I think I'm gonna get lost in here," Jimin said as he walked on the tile floor, or corridor when the stairs stopped, seeing how the tiles reflects the mild yellow lights.

"You won't it's not that big of a house," Yoongi shrugged.

"Oh please, this is not a house, it's a huge mansion," Jimin said and diverted his eyes to the ceiling of the side. The lights not quite affecting his eyes. "Wow." Jimin said as he looked at the huge chandelier on the middle of the hall in the ground floor.

Yoongi just shook his head to Jimin's silliness.

"This is your room," Yoongi grinned, attracting Jimin's attention to the door at front. Yoongi just gestured him to open the door and Jimin did.

"Are you kidding me..." Jimin whispered, his eyes shining a bright purple till he blinked as he looked at the bright room.

The walls were painted ocean blue, a king sized bed in the middle with a light blue blanket taking the most space, cream coloured pillows and a white bedsheet. A persian blue bookshelf filled with different books on the corner of the room.

The wall behind the bed had five butterflies coloured in a rusty colour, each of them only differing from the sizes. From big to small in a straight slanting line.

The three walls were unique in different ways. One having beautiful designs of white curvy lines like branches just on the top of the blue wall, three frames of different kinds of paintings hanging on the wall. Two being placed higher, where the drawing of branches stops and one being slightly lower.

The second one had music notes drawn in black thin lines. It was simple yet so beautiful. The last one had two medium sized birds, each bird on the corners. One was painted golden while the other was silver. They both gazing at one another, with wings spread, as if they were flying towards each other.

"Do you like-"

"I love it," Jimin squealed as he pecked Yoongi's lips in a sweet gesture.

"I'm glad." Yoongi smiled.

Kalopsia | YoonminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora