The goblins around us look at her before continuing with their duties. We stop at the front desk and wait for the goblin behind the desk to acknowledge us. He doesn't. Hermione coughs softly, then waits a second.

"I wish to enter my vault" Hermione says, sounding like herself and holding her head up high.

"Identification?" the goblin asks, his eyes glued to the desk.

"I hardly think that'll be necessary" Hermione says.

The goblin looks up at her.

"Madame Lestrange" the goblin says. He gets up and leaves.

"I don't like to be kept waiting" Hermione calls to him.

"They know. They know she's an imposter. They've been warned" I hear Griphook say, Ron looking back.

I look back to see a guard walking towards us.

I growl lightly.

"Harry. What do we do, Harry?" Ron whispers.

The goblin comes back with a friend.

"Madame Lestrange, would you mind presenting your wand?" the second goblin asks.

"And why should I do that?" Hermione asks.

"It's the banks policy. I'm sure you understand given the current climate" the second goblin states.

"No, I most certainly do not understand!" Hermione says, trying to sound frustrated.

"I'm afraid, I must insist" the goblin says, but a green smoke covers his face, making him inhale and exhale heavily "Very well, madam Lestrange. If you will follow me" the second goblin says, the first turning to him.

"What about the dog?" The first goblin asks, making me growl.

"She's a wolf. And she comes too" Hermione says, turning to me, then back to the goblins.

The second one nods his head.

We follow the second goblin to the contraption that would take us to Bellatrix's vault. Griphook steers. It flips in all directions, making me anxious as I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I turn back into myself and hold on tight to the contraption, tapping my foot on the floor of it in nervousness.

I stare at a sparkling waterfall, watching it get closer to us.

"What is that, Griphook?" Harry asks, also staring at the waterfall.

I turn to Griphook and see him trying to stop the contraption, but failing.

"Griphook?" Harry asks.

We zoom under the waterfall and become soaked in shiny water, the contraption stopping a few feet away from the waterfall.

An alarm roses from the contraption, blinking a bright red every other second. I scream as we drop through the machine, free-falling to the ground that's way below us.

"Arresto Momentum" I cast, my wand lighting slightly as everyone stops just above the ground.

We drop and get up, and I turn into a wolf, shaking myself free of the water that filled my clothes.

"Oh no, you look like you again" Harry says to Hermione.

"The thief's downfall. Washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly" Griphook says.

"You don't say" Ron says sarcastically "Just out of interest, is there any other way out of here?"

"No" Griphook says.

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