Chapter 6

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Months later Hiryuu's ship upgrades has begun and will be completed next year in April

As this happens Hiryuu still manages to talk to Yorktown on a hidden radio frequency while Yorktown is heading to the Guadalcanal as a possible battle against the Sakura Empire is about to begin 

The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal

As this was about to happen Hiryuu gives some advice at engaging the possible enemies they may face to Yorktown since she, Enterprise, 2 Battleships(South Dakota, Washington), 2 heavy cruisers(San Francisco and Portland), three light cruisers (Helena, Juneau, and Atlanta), and eight destroyers: Cushing, Laffey, Sterett, O'Bannon, Aaron Ward, Barton, Monssen, and Fletcher) were preparing for the battle

November 13 First day of the battle 

As the Americans found were the Sakura Empire shipgirls are they sent Yorktown along with all of the heavy, and light cruisers and destroyers at the Middle of the night to prevent the Sakura Empire shipgirls from bombarding the Henderson field even further

but as they were about to approach and attack the enemy, they were discovered immediately chaos followed

since it was midnight many shipgirls were shooting each other in point blank range injuring a lot of the shipgirls in Yorktown's side with 2 of the destroyers dead

Yorktown: Everyone fall back!!!

as she said almost everyone leave

But Yorktown noticed that one of the destroyers were missing

It was Laffey

and so Yorktown look for her by using her ships lights even though she is in an dangerous position

Hiryuu saved her younger sister and the others from death and so Yorktown wouldn't not allow anymore of her factions shipgirls to die

As Yorktown finally saw Laffey injured and was surrounded by 4 Sakura Empire destroyers and was about to get killed until Yorktown called there attention giving Laffey an chance to escape

and now because of this all of the 4 destroyers are now focused on Yorktown and so Yorktown decided to use the suggestion that Hiryuu gave her even it was only used by cruisers and battleships


Yorktown: Kiting?

Hiryuu: Yep

Yorktown: So what is Kiting?

Hiryuu: Well it was an tactic in the highest form of annoying the enemy, it was not know by many because many commanders in battle thinks crossing the T line is an legit strategy

Yorktown: I see

Hiryuu: All you have to do is to sail away to minimize damage play with your ships rudder, throttle and angling your ship armor while sending all planes to damage or sink the enemy since only cruisers and battleships only used this tactic, easily putting yourself into a favorable position at all times, It will make your enemies regret their decision on following you as you make an Tactical Retreat

Flashback ended

and so Yorktown send her 1st squad of planes to distract the enemy while she sailed away from them 

and because of this the 4 destroyer shipgirls ship kept crushing into each other while attacking Yorktown's planes and this kept going for an hour until the 4 destroyers retreated because of the fear of getting hit by Yorktown's planes and crashing there allies again and Making Yorktown sighed in relief as she return back to her allies

To be continued

and for those who are interested where I learned The Kiting play the video below

(Skip to 2:04-2:38 or watch the whole video because it's funny and has sense at the same time)

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