Susato smiled, deeply touched.

The maid turned and gasped. "Oh! You...Oh, you must be her! Lady Baskerville's daughter!"

"Do I really look that much like her? Like mommy?" Iris said.

"Yes! Yes, dear, you do!'s like looking at my mistress again," the maid said, tears filling her eyes. "Oh, goodness gracious. I can't get over you!"

"Was....Was my mommy kind to you?"

"She was. She was the best mistress we could have ever asked for. She and your father took such good care of us," the maid said, smiling, her hands pressed over her heart. "Oh, just look at you...Do you know, your mother treated us like friends? She shared treats with us all the time and spoke with us whilst we cooked. She even served us on Sundays, along with your father."

"That's so nice," Iris said.

"She was so funny too! Oh, oh she would love you so much. In fact, she already did. She used to sing to you."

"R-Really?" Iris said, her eyes shining. She clasped her hands together and beamed despite the tears trickling down her cheeks. "My mommy sounds amazing!"

The maid gasped. "You even...Your mother always did that. You really are her image. But...your eyes. They are so much like your father's."

Iris lowered her chin. "My daddy was a bad man."

"He lost himself. But we loved him. Very dearly," the maid said.

Susato shut her eyes, fighting back a deep and cold wave of loss.

"Oh. The Lord of the manor is here," the maid said. "So good to see you, Miss Susato. And to meet you, Lady Iris!"

Iris smiled.

The maid bowed and retreated. And then Barok came into view. He looked very handsome indeed and was finely dressed, as always. His gaze held Susato warmly then slid towards Iris. He stopped midstride, surprise stealing over his face.

"...You have come to call on me?"

Iris bowed, still looking utterly subdued. "Yes. I'm...I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know it wasn't your fault...I made you so very sad. You must hate me now."

Barok stared at her for a moment then bowed. "...I'll have a fine meal prepared for us. And a cake as well."

Iris gasped. "You're not angry with me?"

"Tell me, do you care for horses?" Barok said.

"Oh! Oh yes! I...I like all sorts of animals," Iris said.

"Your mother was the best rider I have ever met," Barok said.

Susato smiled. His face looked solemn but so gentle and warm.

"Really?" Iris said, and clasped her hands together, beaming. "Do you have horses here?"

"Yes. It is rather slippery out, so they should remain in their stable. Would you like to see them?" Barok said.

"Yes!" Iris said.

Susato followed a few steps behind the two as they travelled to the stables. She smiled, watching as Iris petted the horses and asked to know the names of every single one. Barok peppered her with facts about horses and vowed to teach her to ride when the weather was better. Iris glowed with delight.

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