Momentary Respite

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As evening breathed upon the sky, Susato left her room. She threaded her way down the stairs, into the smell of fragrant tea and the bright sound of voices.

She paused at the edge of the living room. Sholmes was tuning his violin, preparing to play, while Ryunosuke sat with Iris, drinking cups of steaming tea. She smiled, simply watching everyone for a moment, then stepped forward, feeling carved out and scrubbed clean from all of her crying.

"Oh, Miss Susato!" Ryunosuke said and lurched to his feet. He bowed to her.

Susato bowed back then clasped her hands together.

"Susie!" Iris said, jumping up as well. "Would you care to join us for some tea? It might help you feel better!"

Susato shook her head. "I will start working on dinner."

"Oh, there's no need! I've already got the roast in the oven," Iris said and smiled beatifically. "Why don't you join us for a spell?"

Susato drew in a breath then released it in a sigh, unsure if she could handle being around Iris when she was already in such a state.

"Are you alright, Miss Susato?" Ryunosuke said, looking at her with sincere concern.

"Our dear madam was out the door the moment the sun rose," Sholmes said. "Some mysterious affair undoubtedly caught her up in its most alluring grip. Perhaps a dance of deduction is in order?"

"Oh dear. No, there is no need for that, Mr. Sholmes. I assure you, it was nothing of interest," Susato said.

"But you've come home so upset!" Iris said.

"You went to see your friend, didn't you?" Ryunosuke said.

Susato hesitated then nodded.

" didn't go so well, did it?" Ryunosuke said.

"...Is there anything I can do to help prepare dinner?" Susato said, forcing a flimsy smile onto her face. She had no desire to trouble anyone with her burdens.

"You went to go see a friend, Susie? Oh yes, that's right! You used to live here," Iris said.

"Indeed. It would seem someone of great significance to dear Miss Susato lives within our little London town," Sholmes said. "But who could this mysterious figure be, you may wonder?"

"Mr. Sholmes," Susato said, a pleading edge to her tone.

"Based on your swollen eyelids and reddened face we can presume your meeting was not entirely a joyful one. Yes, perhaps you have been terribly rebuffed. Or else engaged in a lover's quarrel," Sholmes said, setting down his violin and rising to his feet.

"Mr. Sholmes. I don't think this is helping Miss Susato feel any better," Ryunosuke said, expression flat, shoulders hunched.

"The truth is incontrovertible, Mr. Naruhodo!" Sholmes said. "Rest assured, my dear madam. We will help you resolve matters with the object of your dearest affections."

Susato peered at him warily. "How do you intend to do that, Mr. Sholmes? He thinks me a traitor."

Iris gasped. "You have a man you like, Susie?"

"Well, I...."

"The solution is simple, dear madam! Elementary, even! You this scone!" Sholmes said, lifting up a plate with a plain scone on it.

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