That Black Shape

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"Miss Susato? Are you unwell?"

Susato woke hazily, head thumping, confused. She was on her bed, her dressing gown overtop her sleeping kimono, the taste of alcohol lingering at the back of her throat.

She stirred. Sat upright. Yes, now she remembered. Klint had given her some kind of sleeping tincture. She recalled the strange twist of shadows, the flickering afterimages of half-formed dreams, the smudgy quality of reality.

"Pray forgive the discourtesy...and the impropriety...but I am going to open the door," Barok called, drawing her out of her thoughts.

"I'm alright," Susato creaked out, but far too quietly, for the door opened a second later. Barok was dressed for work at the prosecutor's office—the picture of composure, save for the concern upon his face.

"Pray forgive...We were all concerned...Lady Baskerville sent me to check on you, when you did not appear in time for breakfast," Barok said, his gaze fixed on her face, his cheeks filling with colour.

"O-Oh. Is it that late already?" Susato said, touching her cheek.

"Yes. I fear the maid was unable to wake you, so I wanted to personally vouch for your health before departing for work," Barok said. "Klint mentioned that you were wandering last night and that he carried you here after giving you sleeping tincture. Perhaps he gave you far too much. I was worried you had fallen ill from it."

"My head is throbbing, but I'm alright," Susato said. "Was Lord van Zieks able to get some rest?"

"Yes. At least, I believe so," Barok said a bit distantly. He was staring very deeply at her face. Recalling that she was in her sleeping attire, Susato blushed again, nervousness spilling through her. To be around an unmarried man while she as in such a state of dress was unconscionable.

"Um, Lord van is improper to be in my chamber."

"Forgive me, I have...I have never seen you with your hair down," Barok said.

Susato blinked quickly, her flustered state growing worse, her face burning under his stare. "O-Oh well...that is because a woman should...should always have her hair up...around a...a man..."

"Y-Yes. It is quite becoming. Pray forgive the discourtesy if my...if I have caused offense," Barok said.

"Lord van Zieks...Forgive me, but you should not look upon me while I am like this."

"...!" Although nothing was said, Susato could practically hear the awareness and alarm as Barok came to his senses. "Forgive the immense discourtesy, Miss Mikotoba. I have caused you great disrespect."

"It's alright. I know you were merely looking after my wellbeing."

"I have conducted myself improperly around a woman of high regard. I shall depart at once, and offer severe apology for my indecency," Barok said. "I assure you, it will not happen again."

Susato nodded and kept her gaze averted as he exited the room, pulling the door shut a bit harshly as he went.

Once he was gone, she found herself still entirely flustered, thinking of the way he had looked at her, like she was something worth beholding, something wondrous and beautiful. No one had ever looked at her in such a way. Despite the awkward situation, and the faltering of propriety, Susato smiled. The heat of embarrassment eased away beneath a gentle warmth.

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