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When Susato left her room the next morning, she nearly ran right into someone. Iris. She was standing outside Susato's door, waiting for her, face severe, her hands clasped together.

"Oh! Iris! You startled me!...Are you alright?"

"I've been thinking about what you said," Iris said.

"Oh? You have?"

"Yes...My mommy was very pretty."

"She was," Susato said quietly.

"...Was she nice?"

"Oh, incredibly so. We had so much fun together. And she was so sweet and warm and welcoming. You would have loved much as she already loved you."

Tears shone in Iris' eyes. "...I want to know more. Will you take me to see him?"

"You mean...Lord van Zieks?"

Iris nodded.

"I would love to, Iris. But...he won't be at the office today."

"Not at the office. I want to see it. The family home. Will you take me?"

Susato blinked quickly. ", Iris, I...I haven't been there for ten years. I don't know if he's accepting guests right now."

"If we go, we can find out," Iris said.

Iris was so subdued, so serious. How could Susato possibly deny her request? Even though she was scared to go back. To return to the place where everything had been so wonderful before it all fell so violently apart. To return to that haunted entryway, catch a glimpse of that door, forever gaping open in her mind.

Susato drew in a shaky breath. No, she had to face it eventually. She had to if she ever wanted to be close with Barok again.

"Well...I suppose...we could try. I do not think he would turn you away," Susato said.

"Then let's go."

"Right now, Iris?"

"Yes. Right now."

"Alright. Just give me one moment to get ready."

Iris nodded.

Susato retreated to her room to fix up her appearance properly. When she stepped back outside, Iris was staring down at the photograph Susato had slid under her door. Iris' eyes gleamed with unshed tears.


Susato and Iris were ushered into the van Zieks manor without delay. It felt so strange, crossing the threshold after all these years. With every glance around the entryway, Susato expected to see Lady Baskerville come rushing out and grab her by the wrist to whisk her away on some adventure. Or Klint come striding in, smiling with a file in his hands. Or Gregson enter with a tip of his hat and an offering of fish and chips. Or Genshin. Standing in the doorway, smiling gently.

But the nightmare also growled at her from the corners. Balmung, bristling and massive in the darkness. Klint's face, filled with shadow, his eyes like the maw of a dark cave, his cruel words, that eerie orange glow.

Susato shook away the images, clasping her hands together as she stood beside Iris, waiting for Barok to appear.

"Miss Susato, it really nice to greet you back into our home!" the maid said. And Susato recognised the woman instantly. The soft-voiced maid who was near to her own age. Once, she had spoken with great concern to Lady Baskerville regarding the closeness she noticed blooming between Barok and Susato, but Susato had always known it was a genuine concern, and the maid had been very kind to her. And now she was looking at Susato with a bright smile. She hugged Susato quickly. "Sorry, ma'am! We were told to let you in immediately if you ever arrived. I'm so glad to see you here at last!"

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