It so happened that her daughter wanted to launch a beverage factory. If she could grow these mystical fruits in real life, they could totally use these as the raw ingredient – although that would be quite wasteful.

Mad scientist Jiang WenYu calmed down a little, sat down, and slowly devouring the remainder of the fruits.

He also looked very serious when he ate, as though he was performing some important work.

Fang JunRong wanted to laugh. This mad scientist in front of him did not sound like that villain boss described in the book at all. He was very passionate about her profession and would focus so much when he worked that he would forget to eat or sleep. And his personality was very simple and straightforward.

After he was done eating, something seemed to have occurred to him. "I have finished two thesis and had mailed them to Nature and Science."

Chapter 189 - Why Wouldn't Fang JunRong Keep These to Give Away as Favors Herself? (2)

As much as Fang JunRong were not familiar with this field, she was still aware of the two very well-known international publications. "I guess I should start getting ready to give you another raise."

Fang JunRong's faith in Jiang WenYu's ability was very obvious.

Most others would be humble when they received a compliment as such but Jiang WenYu, on the other hand, accepted it openly with a slight smile on his face.

From Fang JunRong's memory, as far as the book went, when Jiang WenYu first returned to the Zhang's, he got along fine with the others and the Zhang's were nice to him. Somewhere down the line, however, Jiang WenYu starting feeling envious toward Zhang Bi and began antagonizing him. It ultimately led to him trying to poison Zhang Bi.

From where she stood, Jiang WenYu's talent and ability were both above that of Zhang Bi's. Wy would he need to be envious of him?

The novel that she had read was written from Jiang YaGe's perspective. Inevitably, it would be affected by the way she perceived things. Jiang WenYu, as their enemy, naturally became the villain in the book.

Something just occurred to her all of a sudden. She seemed to have forgotten to mention to Jiang WenYu the fact that he was poisoned. Jiang WenYu seemed to have been so indulged in his experiments since his arrive that he seemed to have forgotten about it altogether. Fang JunRong attributed her forgetting about the incident to her being influenced by Jiang WenYu and all she could think about every time she visited him was work.

She said to him, "The poison in you when I met you most likely was a very specific kind of poison belonging to the Zhang's from Nanhu."

As someone in the medical field, Jiang WenYu immediately realized that the Zhang's she was referring to was the renowned medicine family. He frowned slightly. "I don't know them." In fact, he had never been in contact with anyone from that family.

"You somewhat resembled Zhang Bi in your looks, which was also why my investigation led me to them."

She came up with a good reason for herself.

Jiang WenYu went silent. He rubbed his nose and said, "It would seem that someone from that family did not want to see me alive."

"I just want you to know. You can think over what you want to do about it." She added, "Just let me know if you need anything."

Jiang WenYu touched his Maitreya around his neck reflexively. "Okay, I will."

He would for sure want to get down to the bottom of it someday. As for now, looking into his boss's fruits was more important.

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