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- Trigger Warning: Violence And Domestic Abuse -

Please skip this part completely if you are sensitive to those topics.


 "You worthless child! Don't ever call me mom!" the mom yelled while slapping the child on the cheek. The young one fell onto her knees from the impact and clutched her cheek, trying to soothe out the pain while sobbing. From the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow dash upstairs, a glistening item being held. It had to be Stella, her younger sister.

Discouraged by the attacks, her eyes settled on the floor, making her unconscious of the threats that were inching closer to her. Her eyes widened as the back of her head was becoming numb and wet. Falling face first on the wooden flooring, she received small cuts from the bottle's shards. The man then threw the remaining neck of the bottle towards the wall, as a sign to tell the kid to scram. "Go away! I wish you were never brought into this household!" he yelled.

Mustering the little power that she had, she stood up and rapidly limped her way to her bedroom. Only to be met with a ghastly sight. The once white walls were stained with loud colors, similar to the laughs of loud bullies that would always scream and laugh at the girl. The few couple shirts that she took with extreme care were now ripped apart, the crooked trim making them seem even more worn than what they originally were.

"Thank you for letting me use your room and things as a canvas!" the little sister smirked, cooing out her taunt as she then left the room, leaving you to yourself and your mind. You then crawled to one of the shirts that had been tortured. You wrapped it around the gaping wound behind your head, to stop the bleeding as you were starting to feel light headed.

With a blurred vision, you found a pencil and scrap piece of paper and began to write your final letter to them.

Dear Mom, Dad, and Younger Sister,

Knowing that you were never my parents, I didn't really care about how you guys always cursed or abused me. I didn't really care about you guys either for you guys would always go towards the wrong path. But, I must say, please, take care.. Take care of each other like a real family and be careful in the future, as something can or may happen.. Thank you for letting me stay, but I hope you will all lose yourselves at the end,.

- (Y/N) (L/N) -

And with that, you left the note on the floor and started to pack up. Whatever you could. 

You packed up the scrap pieces of clothing that were still wearable and proper. You collected your favorite books, and a few snacks that you brought into your room without getting caught by your "parents". It really wasn't much, but it was enough to sustain you for the time being. Or at least enough to sustain you until you find a way out of this hell

~ ~ ~

Hello and welcome to the first "Chapter" of The New Sakamaki Child!

Thank you for choosing to read this story and I hope you enjoy the journey. 

I just want to say some things: 

1) I wrote this when I was like 12 years old so it's extremely cringe and cliche at some parts.

2) The story is going through some heavy editing so if there's some parts that don't connect or make sense, it's because of that! 

3) I'm not that active on Wattpad anymore so updates won't be as constant. 

And overall; please enjoy this story and once again -- thank you for choosing to read this story!

- Bunnie -

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