Fate, Destiny, Time and... Love

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---------------------------FLASHBACK - Harry's Funeral-------------------------------

After all the rites were performed, everyone had tears in their eyes, and both Molly, and especially Hermione were having a complete breakdown, and Ron was comforting them, he had accepted that Hermione and Harry loved each other, Harry's will was read by Kingsley Shaklebolt in front of his coffin-

"The last will and testament of Lord Harry James Potter, the Noble Heir and Last Scion of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter, signed 30th May 2018.

To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave all my money, the Potter assets including the Potter Manor, heirlooms and all possessions of the House of Potter, along with all my titles. She is my legal inheritor.

She may distribute the following - "

1 million galleons and a few old records of our childhood for financial aid and money to continue Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, Number 93, Diagon Alley to Ronald Weasley in the hope that he will remember the fun we had.

1 million galleons to Charlie Weasley, to whom I feel sorry I could not spend more time with.

10 million galleons to Teddy Remus Lupin, my godson, a little bundle of joy to us, to be deposited into his trust vault.

1 million galleons to Andromeda Tonks, who will be a brilliant and humble grandmother to our Teddy.

The guardianship of Teddy Lupin goes to Hermione Granger and Andromeda Tonks. If both are deceased then to, Minerva McGonagall, then to Molly Weasley and Arthur Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy in no way is he, or any possessions of mine or House Potter, going to be handed over to Ginny Weasley or an orphanage."

"An-and i-if I d-die?" asked Hermione still sobbing

"If Hermione Jean Granger is deceased, then all the inheritance goes to Teddy Lupin completely except the distributions, with all my money, assets and heirlooms deposited into his vault, unsealed when he is of age, except the 10 million galleons distribution deposited into his trust vault for his expenses while being at school."

"Well, then... She took out a piece of parchment, smiled for the first time in 3 days, and signed it... I'm coming Harry"

"AVADA KEDAVRA" she said, using the power of all the hate she had for Voldemort, Bellatrix and all the Death Eaters, but also using the love she had for Harry.

As the jet of green light struck her, she was faced by Death, he gave her a choice between dying and living, she chose dying, to join her beloved and her soul left her body with Death.

And everyone gasped as Hermione Granger's body slumped onto Harry Potter's arm in his coffin. Everyone was still in shock. And that moment saw a  miracle - 

Harry and Hermione's bodies faded away with a golden and silver light.


Harry and Hermione woke up in a room with a golden light.

"Well, 'Mione..."

Hermione turned around with joy and shock, and as soon as they saw each other, she kissed with much passion.

"Ahem... Ahem..."

Harry and Hermione broke apart, blushing but wondering who could be here, they saw a beautiful woman...

"Excuse me, Who are you?" asked Harry

"Well you can't come into the hall of Fate, Destiny, Time and... Love and not expect me here, can you? I'm Miranda, the Goddess of Love " she said (A/N: the name's taken from Shakespeare's, The Tempest because it's a beautiful and lovely name and, well... the Goddess of Love must have a lovely name...).

"But I've read the Goddess of Love is Aphrodite..." said Hermione

"Aphrodite! That is the name those idiots say mine is! It sounds like dynamite!



"Dust mite also..." Harry muttered and Hermione snickered silently.

"Right you are!" said Miranda "Those idiots didn't get my name right..."

"Clo, Lach, Atro, Chronos! Come here now!"

"Gods and Goddesses have nicknames for each other?"

"Of course Hermione, Clo is Clothos, Lach is Lachesis, Atro is Atropos!"

"And Chronos?" asked Harry

"Well, Chronos is Chronos! Speaking of him, he is the God of Time... And like time does not stop for anybody, he does not stop for anybody too. And mostly he's late. The God of Time is mostly late! Git..."

At that moment, three sisters entered the Hall, giggling. These were the Goddesses of Fate. Clothos, Lachesis and Atropos.

"Excuse me, not to be rude or anything, but why exactly are we here?" asked Harry

Noticing Harry, Clothos, the youngest of the three, started giggling even more and Hermione frowned.

"I only have eyes for you, 'Mione, besides she is a Goddess not a human..." Harry whispered and Hermione blushed, clearly embarrassed. "Don't worry Hermione" Clothos winked at Hermione and said.

"Yes, yes... You are here because everything has went wrong, almost everything..." continued Miranda "I won't tell everything, because we let things unfold when time comes."

"You sound like Dumbledore..." muttered Harry

"So, let's see... You were never supposed to grow up with the Dursleys, any family would have taken you in, Ginny Weasley was never supposed to marry you or end up in the Chamber of Secrets, Sirius was never supposed to die in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Voldemort... well, we'll not tell you about that."

"Wait, I need to know about him, Voldemort!"

"You have to face some struggles, not some, well many... You have to face him, you have to do everything by yourself, and besides, well..."

"Well what?"

"Well, uhm... you won't, er... remember anything once you travel back in time" Miranda said hesitantly.

"All right - WAIT! WHAT!? What do you mean we won't remember anything!"

"Well, it's living again, completely, you don't know what will happen in the future... Neither will anyone else... 

It was a prophecy, fulfilled that moment.

The entire universe is going back. Every single person will live again. Fate and destiny must do whatever it takes to do it. Fate corrects itself. And this night of a waning moon, as time goes back a new journey shall begin. Its time everyone shall live once more."

And just like that, everything changes itself.

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