||Chapter Three|| It's getting worse... atleast there's some good news!⚠️

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Izubabe's POV

"What's the real reason you went to the bathroom?" Aoyama asked, "And why did you run so fast?"

"Uh... i-it's like I told Iida-Kun, it was the alchohol... heh..." I replied nervously. Did he know? God, I hope not. That would be bad...

"Mon ami, you don't have to lie to me. It's not even working, you're a terrible liar."

"Ahh... it's uh... I'm um- I'm sick, Aoyama. Really, really sick..." I said in a depressing tone.

"What is ailing you, mon ami?"

"I, uh, have hanahaki..."

"Oh, dear... I'm so sorry Izuku-kun..."

"I-It's ok... I just... wish it didn't have to end this way is all." I said with a sad smile across my face and tears threatening to spill.

Suddenly, Aoyama hugged me. He told me everything was going to be okay and that he was here for me. He promised to help me in anyway he could.

"So... who is it? If you don't mind me asking." The blonde questioned.

"It's Kacchan..."

"Oh... I'm so so sorry..."

"It's okay, I'll b-be okay..."

time skip to the next day cuz i have no more ideas for this scene lmfao

It was about 5:37 and i woke up to the all too familiar feeling of acid and thorns in my throat. I immediately ran to my bathroom to vomit up everything I could. It was a lot... I felt light-headed and dizzy, and could hardly breath afterwards. The roses were starting to make it difficult to breath, and I often had to make excuses to my class on why i had to sit out in PE. Most of the time I would say "I've caught a little cold" or "I haven't gotten a good sleep". It was working, but I don't think it'll work forever. Anyways, time for class.

Time skip yet again cuz I'm dumb

I was sitting in 3rd period anxiously watching the clock so I could go throw up again. I had about 5 minutes to go, but it was getting really hard to hold it in.

5 minutes...
4 minutes...
3 minutes...

Yeah no, I can't last until class is over. I'll just ask Aizawa-sensei to use the washroom. So, I raised my hand.

"Yes, problem child?" Sensei asked.

"May I use the washroom, Sensei?" I asked desperately trying to keep the petals down.

"Sure, go ahead."

"Thank you, Sensei!" As soon as I uttered those words I rushed out of the classroom, almost forgetting to take my bag with me.

I was practically running down the hallway to get to the bathroom, and as soon as I was in and sure no one was in there with me, I sprinted into a stall and threw up for about 10 minutes, but it felt like hours. God, the thorns hurt. I had noticed a few partially formed flowers, each with roughly 3 petals. That isn't good... dammit. It's getting worse and I don't know how to keep my class from finding out. I knew I didn't have forever to fix this, but I couldn't just get the surgery and Kacchan would never love me back... I only have one other option if I want to live, but that's pretty out of the question.

I mean, maybe I could live with that last option, but it would be pretty hard. I think maybe Denki has a crush on me but I have no idea... I guess I could see myself with Denki. Just how would I get rid of my feelings for Kacchan, though? Ugh, this is all so confusing! I wish this had never happened to me.

Hmm, thinking about it now, I might be able to make sure that Denki likes me. I could ask Aoyama-Kun for help! I just need to throw another party, maybe next week, and get him drunk! That way, I could squeeze it out of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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