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Happy holidays people! It's been a while, but break started for me, so YAY! I'm mixing the chappie up a bit with PJO perspective first. Anyways, Enjoy! 

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, they belong to RR and CC.

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"Okay" Percy said to the Bailey twins "You guys got here through a book portal, so where is the book now?" 

Alex looked at her brother "I don't know exactly. We just assumed it was missing and/or gone." Conner nodded in agreement. 

"Okay then" Annbeth took over the conversation "Lets head to the hill you guys appeared on and see if we can find the binder. That would be the best way to get back"

So, the group of four trooped to the hill where the Bailey twins had appeared. "Alex and Annabeth, you guys check if the binder rolled down the hill." Percy said going into leader mode, "Me and Conner will check to onto of the hill"

"So, Percy..." Conner said trailing off


"How are you so amazing at fighting?" Conner asked

"Practice" was the reply "Not to be stereotypical but honestly going through 2 wars really makes you have to practice so you can survive..."

An awkward silence descended on the two boys as they looked behind trees, bushes and even overgrown grass. 

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Meanwhile with Alex and Annabeth...

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"Sooooooo, what's your favorite fairy tale?" Alex asked in order to break the silence stretching between the girls.

" I loved the story of Hansel and Gretel. The lesson that it teaches is real life. Especially in one with gods. As if queued the sky rumbled with thunder. Though I'm starting to doubt my opinions." Annabeth continued "I mean these characters all exist, who knows what their like?!" 

"Well, I happen to have met Gretel, live and in person. She succumbed to the pressure and accidentally pushed her brother off a cliff..." Alex said trailing off at the end.

Not another word was spoken when they search.

Suddenly they heard a shout from the top of the hill. "I KNOW LET'S CHECK OUT BAGS!"

Alex facepalmed "I'm so stupid that should've been the first place we checked!"

The four rushed back to camp, in Alex's bag they found nothing. But as soon as they checked Conner's bag, they saw a white glow from inside. 

"ITS THE BINDER! "Conner all but shouted

Alex and Conner shared an exited smile. They could finally get back home- and help their friends...

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Meanwhile in the LoS

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Will was currently watching his boyfriend tapping his fingers on his lap. They were so bored. At first, they just talked and chatted. But a storm rolled in, and it was depressing how much Will just wanted to get home.

Looking at Nico he could tell he even missed Thalia and her teasing remarks. 

When suddenly an exited shout came from the Wandering Tradesman or whoever. "ITS A MIRACLE!" THE group watched as the Tradesman explained about marbles and people saving them.

Will took a look and indeed he saw a bunch of different colored marbles rolling toward a smaller group of marbles. 

Among that big group of marbles, there was a gray marble and a sea green one.

"Their coming for us!" Will whispered to Nico.

Nico showed a rare smile, and they shared a smile. 

They would be home soon....

Worlds Align (A Land of Stories, Heroes of Olympus Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now