Gathering Help

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Hello! Its been a while, I'm sorry for the late update but honestly I'm really busy lately. Thanks so much for getting this book to 75 views! But without further ado ENJOY!

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters


After Will had explained everything, with Nico adding in details that he deemed important like how his world had McDonalds leading onto Arthur asking what that was. Leading to an hour rant about McDonalds.

Speaking of which "And that's why McDonalds is the most superior food in all the worlds" Nico concluded

Will was rolling his eyes. This was quite the common occurrence when Nico started ranting.

Arthur and his knights looked intrigued. And mother goose had disappeared off to talk with the fairy council.

"Anyways" Will said "We have friends in the otherworld who may be able to help with your cause. Although we don't know how to get to them" 

"How could they help?" Arthur asked, he was the king of England for a reason ya know.

"Well they all have powers from water to fire to lighting. Nico here can summon the dead" Will answered

Nico raised his head from where he was leaning on Will. 

"Yup, do you want me to demonstrate" Nico asked Will

"NO! You used your powers enough!" Will shouted, and when he saw Nico was about to disagree he yelled "DOCTORS ORDERS!"

Arthur back them back onto topic "So your friends, is there any way you could contact them?"

Nico thought for a moment then he pulled out a drachma and looked at Will "I CANT BELIVE WE DID"NT THINK OF THIS SOONER!"

The LOS inhabitants watched in confusion Nico made a rainbow and tossed a drachma into it.

Of course it was at that moment the fairy council decided to return just in time to see a 17 year old boy projected from a hologram...

Nico was talking to Percy but the iris message was breaking up. Then it abruptly ended. But not before they saw Alex and Conner waving.

"That's Alex and Conner" Mother Goose said. 

"We need to get back to our world" Solangelo answered as one.

They all put there brain cells together and started brainstorming.


Percy was in his cabin talking to Alex and Conner when an Iris message appeared in front of him. He looked up and was relived to see Nico and Will. They had been missing and Percy was worried out of his mind.

The call started breaking up before Percy could say anything. Then a bunch of colorfully dressed people came into the picture as well as a bunch of knight looking people.

Percy turned his head around to see Alex and Conner waving at the iris message.

After the call ended Percy asked Alex "Do you know them"

"Yup!" she replied "There from our world, your friends must be trapped there!"

Conner was wondering something "hey Alex, we came here from the storybook, but where is the story book now?"

Alex looked perplexed "Maybe it rolled down the hill that we appeared on."

Conner looked skeptical but agreed

Percy looked between Alex and Conner like a tennis match and was about to say something when a loud voice rang across camp.


Percy jumped up in excitement and startalation, "I cant believe I forgot!. Come on you two, you can come watch me and Clarisse spar"

They Bailey twins followed Percy to the area and saw a girl with eyes that were starting to go red.

"Oh boy this is gunna be interesting" Conner mumbled


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