Season 2 Chapter 6

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Winter break arrived, and were all getting ready for our family vacation. Harley sashayed in.

"Mom, dad?"
"Yes, princess?"
"I have to go to Philadelphia tomorrow evening."
"No way. Cathsy and Tony invited us all to Aspen for the holidays."
"I'm not asking for permission. Look, it's serious. One of my friend is a bit stupid and I have to talk to her in person. Oh and I'm taking the Jeep. Have fun in Aspen and happy holidays!" - She waved and left.

"You seriously want one more of this?"
"She's an Alpha. We can't do anything about this. And soon she'll be stronger than me. In wolf form, she's already as big as me. But look at Mitexi, Paytah and Conor. They're all good kids, we never had any problem with them.


I dolled up myself, and drove to the campus. I was following his scent from there. I ended up at a frat party. What a surprise! Finally, I saw him, dancing with a lame chick. I approached him from behind, and covered his eyes.

"Hello, big boy. Missed me?" - I whispered in his ear.

He turned around, and I kissed him. Thank god, he kissed me back. The minute he pushed his tongue in my mouth, we were lost.

"Chaos, what the hell is going on? Who's this girl?" - The chick asked.

"You can't even imagine, how much I missed you." - He murmured to me.
"Let's go somewhere private to... Catch up."


I found Nora outside, crying.

"Nora? What happened?"
"I don't know. One moment, we had a good time at the party, dancing--- Then some totally fake wh*re came, kissed Chaos and they left. It was like he forget about me the moment she entered the room."
"That's not like him at all!"

Unless... But no. That's impossible.

"How that girl looks like?"
"She's totally fake. I mean she had obviously fake tan, fake platinum blond hair, fake full lips... I've never seen her before. I'm sure she doesn't go to this college, she looked younger than us."

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!!!

"Do you know her?"

I pulled out my phone, and showed her a photo of Harley.

"Look at this photo. Was it her?"
"Yes, she's the one. Who's she?"
"Harley. But I assume, he never talked to you about her."
"No. He said, he never had a girlfriend before."
"That's true. Harley was neve his girlfriend. But... He was in love with her, at least that's what he said. But Harley just loves to fool around. She slept with a lot of guys. Even with me. Their relationship was more than toxic."
"But he still loves her."
"It's not love. It's obsession."
"The point is, that he still wants her. I thought, he's not like the other guys. But I was wrong."


Next morning, I didn't dare to open my eyes. But then I heard her soft breathing. So it wasn't a dream. She's really here. With me.
She stirred, and opened her beautiful eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful. I missed you."
"Yes, you proved that multiple times last night. But I'm really glad, that I came to visit you."
"How long will you stay?"
"I can stay here for the holidays, so it's a week, if you want me to stay."
"Of course I want that. Being here, without you is like purgatory. You know, yesterday was the first party I went to, since I'm here."
"Chaos, the whole point of letting you go, was that you can have the college experience to the fullest."
"I know, you don't love me, but I DO love you. I don't want a college experience without you."

So the thing with that skank is not serious at all. Good to know.

"Then you're lucky. I took more classes at school, so I'll graduate a year sooner. Then I'll come here."
"So it's only 5 months and you'll be here with me? That sounds perfect."
"So, can you manage 5 more months without me?"
"Barely. I'll count the minutes."
"Just don't replace me."
"I'd never. No girl can be a competition to you."

She passionately kissed me.

"You're the one for me."

We were lost in each other.

"I love that your stamina is the same."
"I can never get enough of you."

Someone knocked the door, but we didn't care.

"Chaos, open the damn door!" - Lance yelled.

I kissed the sweet spot on her neck.

"CHAOS!!!!!!! I know, you're there with Harley!"
"Then you know, I'm pretty busy at the moment. See you after holidays!"
"You owe an explanation. You owe an explanation to Nora."
"Sh*t, I totally forgot about Nora!"
"Who the hell is Nora? You said a few minutes ago, that I'm the one for you and you wouldn't replace me."
"And it's true! I tried to move on. I'm seeing this girl for a few months. But I swear, it was never serious. She's not my girlfriend. We never slept together. You're the only one I want."

After the holidays, I went to Nora's dorm.

"What do you want? Get out! I never want to see you again!"
"I'm sorry Nora. I never meant to mislead you. I never meant to hurt you."
"Then next time, don't date a girl, while you're in love with another. Lance told me everything."
"I'm sorry. Can we be friends?"
"Are you out of your mind? Friends? Nobody hurt me like this before. You lied to me from day one."
"Believe me, it wasn't my intention. Harley told me, she doesn't want to see me again. I just tried to move on. But yes, it's true. I love Harley. She's my life."
"Yay, let's celebrate that you're back together."
"I'm really sorry. I hope, one day you'll able to forgive me."

Later that night, Lance stormed in.

"So, she finally left?"

I rolled my eyes.

"And now what? You'll mope for another one and a half year, that she doesn't want to do anything to you?"
"No. She'll graduate this year. She'll be here in 5 months. And I hope, she'll agree to be my girl after that."
"What? She'll never be yours and deep down you know it. You have to get over her. I know, she's hot and quite good in bed, but that's all."

I punched him.

"YOU SLEPT WITH HER????????????" - I screamed.

"Bro, almost the half school slept with her."

I punched him again.

"If you touch her again---"
"I won't! I swear!"

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