Chapter 14

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Next day, I called in both girls. I decided to talk Tamala first, because she was the more annoying, always flirting with me.

"Alpha?" - She cooed. "You wanted to talk with me?"
"Yes. I want to talk about Ayita."
"Oh... Of course you want to seek comfort in her now, that your little girl is away."
"What? I wouldn't touch Ayita, even if she'd be the last girl in Earth!"
"In that case, I'm more than happy to help you to release some stress."
"And I'd never cheat on my future wife."

She was shocked. Good.

"So, let's talk about Ayita. I heard that she was, or she is having a crush on me, or something like that."
"Ezhno, darling. Almost all the girls here have a crush on you."

I rolled my eyes.

"I think the only exceptions are Kateri, but she's your cousin and Flo, but she's only interested in girls."
"How was Ayita after Kimimela... disappeared?"
"What do you mean? She was devastated, of course. She cried for days. Than she was angry. But it's pretty normal, isn't it?"
"How did she react after I left?"
"I don't remember."
"Just tell me what you remember from that time."
"After you disappeared, almost everybody thought, that it was because you did it. Even those, who thought you were innocent before."
"And Ayita?"
"She thought, you were innocent, at first. After you vanished... She... was on your side for long. But when you came back and get obsessed with that little outsider, she changed her mind."

Interesting. Jealousy? That's why she changed her mind?

"Thanks for answering my questions, Tamala. I'll call you if I'll have new ones."

She left.
It was really hard to believe that Ayita can be behind all of this. Could she really kill her own twin sister, just to be with me?
Okay... Time to prepare to Flo. She's the less loyal to Ayita. So I have to talk to her about THAT night.

I called Flo in.

"I don't think I have anything else to tell. So why am I here?"
"Flo... This will be hard, but I want you to tell me everything about the night... about the night, when..."

I couldn't finish the question. I could barely chocke out the words.

"We were at the river. We had so much fun. We were drinking, but neither of us was drunk. We danced a lot. A perfect night out, just us, girls."
"Do you remember, what were you talking about?"
"Not exactly. About future, about boys. She wanted to call you. But Ayita took her phone. She said, she must manage one night without you."
"Do you think that Ayita had feelings for me?"
"Yes. I think she still has. Or at least, she wants you. Big time. I see how she looks at you."
"Back to that night. How it ended?"
"Tamala left first, around 1 A.M. I left them at about 3 A.M."
"So Ayita was the last one, who saw her."
"Yes, but everybody knows that."

Yes, we just didn't know, that she had a motive.

"I have to tell you, I didn't believe you. But seeing now, after so many years how you still react, I do believe you now."
"Thank you, Flo. Let's talk about the night of the fire. Did you see anything... suspicious?"
"I heard a car leaving the village around midnight and returning about an hour later."

So, that could be the time, when the culprit went to the airport to get kerosene. It's a pity, that there's no surveillance system. The airport is abandoned, expect for daytime.

"Can you tell me who's car was it?"
"No. I don't know a thing about cars. It was an old pickup, but the most of us have an old pickup. I'm sorry that I can't help you more. But, if you need me to testify against Ayita, you can count on me. I never told to the police, that I left them that night. I don't know, why. I think I just never thought, that it was that important. I mean, everybody knew, that Ayita saw her alive last, they just didn't know where."
"She asked you to tell this to the police?"
"No. I tried to help her. She came to my house, crying. She told, that the police will accuse her. She told me, that they'll put her in jail, because she was the one, who saw her alive."
"Thank you, Flo. You helped a lot."


A few days later, I was getting ready to meet Hakan. I didn't want to go out. But I promised Hakan days ago, that we'll clubbing today. My phone rang.

"Hey love. I miss you so much!"
"I have good news, little wolf. I arrested Ayita a few minutes ago. We can prove, that she was the one behind the fire at your house. And we found spray cans too, so she vandalized my parents house."
"So I can go back? I'm arranging the jet now, so I'll be there in a few hours."
"Haha. Believe me baby, I can't wait to hold you in my arms again and make a bunch of pups, but the airport is closed now. You have to wait until tomorrow morning."
"I totally forgot that."
"Hey, just a few more hours. I promise I'll make up for you. Oh, the things I'll do to you..."

Hakan walked in.

"Are you ready to party, babygirl?"


"Are you going out with Hakan tonight?"
"I promised him, that we'll go clubbing tonight."
"Don't worry, all mighty Alpha, I'll take care of your girl. You know, she's going crazy, without you."
"Hey, I'm putting you on speaker."
"Hi, Hakan. Thanks for taking care of her. Don't worry, it looks like it's over. I arrested Ayita. She burnt down Loona's house and she vandalized mine."
"Are you sure? And what about..."
"Yes. We found evidence. And about murdering Kimimela... I'm pretty sure, that she did it, but we have no evidence yet. And you, Little wolf, just go to that party. You deserve some fun."
"I want to be well rested for you tomorrow. I bet we'll have a long day."
"As I feel myself now, we'll have long days, love."

Hakan cleared his throat. Oops, I totally forgot, that he's here.

"So, the party is canceled and we'll go back tomorrow?" - He asked.
"Just go and enjoy your last free night Little wolf. Because you can bet that I won't let you out of my sight, ever. And you'll be busy with the wedding, and after it, with our pups."
"I'm still here guys." - Hakan grunted.
"Go, love. I'll see you tomorrow."

Instead of clubbing, we went for a drink.

"On a serious note, babygirl... Are you sure, you want this? Marriage and kids? I mean... You're very young. And you two just met."
"I'm sure. I can't explain but I know, that he's the one."

I wished, that I could tell him, that Ezhno is my mate. But it was a secret and I fully understand why. Yes, I told Cathsy, but that's not the same. She's not a werewolf.

"I'm just worried, babygirl. So much happened in such a short time. And it's really scary, that you're marrying someone just after a few days."
"I know, how it looks like. But I love him and he loves me."
"He treats you good? He's not forcing you to do something you don't want does he? Black wolves are aggressive and extremely dominant. I understand, that you two have a great chemistry. But that's not enough reason to marry somebody. You're very young. You have a plenty of chance."
"Look. You're my friend and I know, that you only want the best for me, that's why I'm not ripping off you head now. You know Ezhno well. He's not aggressive. Yes, dominant, as an Alpha should be, but he respects me. He'd never do anything to hurt me."

Now or never.

"Loona, I'm still in love you. You're the love of my life. That night we shared... That was the best night of my life. If you want marriage and kids, I can give that to you."
"Hakan, stop!"
"I'd do anything for you!"
"You really had to ruin it? You're my best friend, Hakan. Friends, nothing more. I love Ezhno. I want to spend my life with him. If you can't accept this... If you can't accept that you and me can be only friends, then I think we shouldn't meet more."

Me and my big mouth. But I had to tell her how I feel. At least like this there are no what ifs. I'm friend-zoned. Forever.

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