Chapter 15

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As soon, as the plane landed, I jumped off, and ran to Ezhno. He kissed me, and hugged me.

"I missed you, little wolf."
"I missed you too."
"Let's go home and make pups."


I was in a jail cell. A damned jail cell!

"You can't keep me here!!! SOMEBODY LET ME OUT!!!!"
"Just shut up, you sick b*tch. Ezhno will come and question you."
"I'm here for more than 24 hours and he didn't come. I know my rights. You can't keep me here."
"You know the tribe's law. We can keep you here as long as we want."
"Where's Ezhno?"
"Probably busy with his girl."

I screamed. That b*tch! How dares she steal my man?


Next afternoon, I decided to go and question Ayita. I tried not to wake up Loona, but as I moved, she stirred.

"Sorry love, I didn't mean to wake you up. But I have to go and interrogate that sneaky..."
"It's okay."
"While I'm away, you can sleep a bit, or go to Miakoda."
"I think I'll visit her."

I kissed her. We just spent one and a half day in bed, but it wasn't enough.

"But at first..."
"Yes, please."

It was late evening, when I arrived to Ayita's cell.

"Finally. Now let me out."
"Maybe in your next life."
"I didn't do anything!"
"Think again. We have your cell infos. At the night of the fire, you went to the airport and came back. We found traces of kerosene in your dad's truck."
"In my dad's truck? I don't see how it proves, that I brought it."
"Before the night of the fire, the truck was parking on the street, and it was raining. So the kerosene was put in there on the night of the fire. And your parents weren't here. So this alone means you a lifetime in this jail cell, for attempted murder. Oh and we accuse you with killing Kimimela."
"You seriously think I could kill my own sister?"
"Yes. You wanted me. You were jealous, that I was with her. Just like you're jealous that I'm with Loona."


I went to Miakoda. She had a small cabin, about three miles from the village, in the woods.

"Loona, my dear child."
"Good evening, Priestess." - I curtsied.
"You don't need to curtsey, my child. You came to talk about the tribal wedding? The Moon Goddess is very happy, that after 60 years, we'll have a tribal wedding. And between a natural born Alpha and his mate!"
"Did Ezhno..."
"No, my dear child. The Moon Goddess told me. And the spirits of your future children are already here, waiting for the perfect moment."

Okay... This lady was creepy as hell.

"So... The wedding. I need some more time to prepare. So you'll have the wedding in 6 weeks. At the clearing. 2 PM."

She gave me a box.

"Here's your wedding dress. I prepared it for you, as soon, as the Moon Goddess told me about you, and Ezhno."
"Thanks, Priestess. How will this wedding be? I mean can I have guests? Or it's only for the tribe?"
"The Moon Goddess loves all her children, wolves or not. But you friend won't be here, her guardians won't let her out. And your other friend... I don't see clearly. He doesn't know yet. He's angry and sad. He's confused."

Because I can't tell him, that Ezhno is my mate.

"Give him time. The wound is too fresh. Now go. Come back in a month and I'll give you more details."

She started to chant, and I left.

Next evening, I was getting ready for a family dinner.

"You really want to torture me with this outfit?"
"Behave. I don't want to be late. And we just got out from the shower."
"Hey, it's not my fault that you're so damn alluring."

He kissed the sweet spot on my neck.

"I just can't get enough."
"Ezhno, stop."

Before I could protest, he pulled off my dress.

"Just a few more minutes."

Of course, we were late from the dinner.

"Sorry, for being late." - Ezhno smirked.
"You're nothing but sorry." - Kateri scowled. "Grow up and gain some self control."
"Kateri, calm down. They're here now."
"We're really sorry, Kateri." - I told her. "Yesterday, I went to Miakoda. We'll have a tribal wedding in 6 weeks."
"A tribal wedding? OOOH!!!!!! Can I be the bridesmaid?"
"Of course."
"Congrats, kids. I'm really happy for you." - Qalatequa smiled.
"Congratulations. I was a young girl, when we had a tribal wedding last time."
"And who will be your best man, Ezhno?"
"I don't know. I thought about Hakan, but... He made a move on Loona. Again."
"He just doesn't understand, what we have. I just wish I could tell him, that you're my mate. But I understand, why this must be a secret."
"I think, I'll ask Rowtag. We were buddies in high school. We're not that close, but I think he's the closest thing to a friend."

2 weeks later, we went to New York, to visit Cathsy. We took her to her favorite sushi restaurant.

"Cathsy, this is my fiancé, Ezhno. Ezhno, this is my best friend, Cathsy."
"It's nice to finally meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too. And congrats. So, what are you doing in New York?"
"Well, we had to leave the tribe for a few days."
"Something happened?"
"No, we were just... You know, we can smell when a female is... ready to be a mother."
"That means you're pregnant?"
"We don't know yet. If I'm pregnant, it's only one or two days old."
"I'm so happy for you!"
"And you? Any hot guy around?"
"It's a pure miracle, that they let me out to a dinner with you. They don't even let me go to your wedding."
"I'll kidnap you one day."
"It's okay. And I don't want a relationship. Ever again."
"Don't talk like that. Do you remember when we planned that we'll have our weddings together and we'll be pregnant together?"
"Yeah, when we were 13. I know, you want the best for me. But I'm okay with my life now. Yes it sucks, that they keep me locked up, but it's okay. I accepted it."
"As you wish."

The rest of the night went pretty well. We talked and laughed a lot. Yes, it sucked that my best friend is not allowed to come to my wedding. And it sucked, that she thought she doesn't deserve happiness. But maybe she just needed more time. I hoped, that she just needs time.

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