Chapter 13

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After Hakan took me back to New York, I went to visit Cathsy.

"Surprise, b*tch!"
"What are you doing here?"
"Can't I visit my best friend? Okay, okay. Ezhno had to stay with the tribe to investigate the fire and sent me back to New York."
"Well, I'm honored."
"Don't need to be sarcastic."
"Sorry. Being locked in this stupid basement drives me crazy."
"Okay, that's it. We're going out."
"House arrest, you remember?"
"Just leave it to me."
"No. I can't break the rules. If I do, they'll never trust me again and they'll never let me out."
"Booooooooring. Okay, I'll talk to the Professor. Just wait here."

I ran to the Professor's office.

"Yes, Loona?"
"Can I take out Cathsy for shopping? Pretty please!"
"Loona, it's too soon."
"Please! You know, she's innocent. Spirit abused her. It was self defense."
"Yes. But she lost control. She's the most powerful mutant on this earth. We still don't know, how can she have so many abilities."
"But she's wearing that bracelet and it blocks her power."
"The bracelet is not 100% secure. She's very powerful, she can overwhelm it."
"Please! We only want to buy some clothes. We'll be together the whole time. I can calm her down, if anything happens. But nothing will happen, I swear you!"
"We don't know, what triggers her."
"Triggers her? She was abused FOR YEARS. And she didn't snap, not once. You really think, that's something in the mall would make her lose control?"
"Loona, I know you're angry. You need to calm down."
"Of course I'm angry! You all treating her like sh*t! She's down there at that crappy basement room. Everybody afraids of her, so nobody talks to her, they're avoiding her. She never asked to born with so many abilities. She just wants a normal life."
"Loona, you have to understand. She's dangerous. Nobody can stop her."
"No, Professor, YOU have to understand. She's powerful. She always was. Yet, you had no problem. She defended herself against her abusive husband and now you think, she'll blow up the world?"
"We can give it a try. But I'll be watching and if I sense the slightest distress, your shopping trip is over."

So, we went to shopping. It was good to see her smiling.

"Okay, I found a good outfit. And you?" - She asked.
"Of course, and I found some for you too. Show me, what you got."

She held up an ugly, pink sweater.

"Are you kidding me?"
"It's comfortable. And you know, that pink is my favorite color."
"You'll never find a guy, dressed like this. Try on these."

She looked at the clothes I was holding.

"And where could I wear these? It's not like they'll let me out to party. And I wouldn't even go. I'm finished with parties and with guys."
"Don't let him win! And this outfit suits you. So we'll buy."
"I'll never wear this, you know that?"
"Oh, you will. Are you up for a coffee?"
"I think we should go home. The Professor will worry."
"Are you saying no to our favorite Pumpkin Spice Latte?"
"You know me too well. Let's go to grab a coffee."

More than a week passed. I was in a bar, with Hakan, drinking heavily.

"Babygirl, you should slow down."
"I want to get drunk."
"You remember, what happened the last time, we got drunk."
"Yeah, that was fun, but won't happen again. Don't worry."
"I know, that you miss him, but alcohol is never the answer."
"I miss him so much! It's been 10 days and we could just speak briefly on phone. You know, that service sucks there."
"Any leads?"
"No. Ezhno thinks, that Ayita and Dynami know something. But he has no proof."
"Ayita? Hard to believe, considering Kimmimela was her twin sister. But it's a fact, that she hates you. And I don't know if Ezhno mentioned you this, but something pretty disturbing happened during the council."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it looks like, she's into Ezhno for a while."
"Next time I'll rip her head off!" - I scowled, and drowned another glass.
"Babygirl, stop. You drunk enough."

And another glass.

"That's it! I'm calling Ezhno."
"Good luck with that. As you know, the service there sucks. Oh, I have an idea! I'll introduce you to my best friend!"
"I thought, I'm your best friend." - He rolled his eyes.
"You're my best friend too. She's very attractive and very single. Stunning ginger hair and dazzling green eyes."

I prefer unreachable girls with stunning white hair and dazzling silver eyes.

"Thanks, but I can't fit a relationship into my life. And I assume, she's not a wolf."
"No, she's not. She's a mutant and knows everything about us. She'd be perfect for you!"
"Sorry, babygirl, but I'm really not interested now."
"Do you have somebody on your mind?"

Yes. You.

"Perhaps your new assistant?"
"Just drop it, please. I really don't want a girl right now."

Another week passed. I became depressed. I missed Ezhno. We talked every day, but it wasn't enough. I wanted to see him. I wanted him to hold me, to make love to me. My phone rang.

"Little wolf! I miss you so much!"
"I miss you too. When will you come?"
"I'm sorry love, but I can't go now. I feel like Dynami is close to the breaking point. If I leave now, we'll never know, what he knows."
"I'll ovulate tomorrow."
"I know baby, I know. And I wish I could be there."
"And if I go back? I mean Dynami is under custody. So it's safe."
"No. It's not safe. I'm sure that Dynami knows something, but I don't think he's our man. And I know, that Ayita is lying. And she threatened you. But I can't put her into custody. I'm lucky, that I could lock Dynami away, but you know, it's just because he was aggressive during interrogation and it's a high risk, that he'll vanish if we let him go."
"But what if he won't confess? Or what he knows is not enough? I can't bear this. Sometimes I feel like I can't even breathe without you."
"I know baby. I feel the same. If Dynami won't break soon, I'll go and visit you. Just be safe tomorrow."


Another week passed, and Dynami still didn't confess. I went to his cell, like every day.

"Hi, buddy. How was your night?"
"We're not buddies. Never were. And you know damn too well, how uncomfortable these beds are. I demand to let me go! I'm innocent. You have no right to keep me here!"
"Perhaps you're innocent in the murder. But I'm sure, you know something. And holding back information, or misleading authorities is a crime."
"You're not authority."
"I'm the alpha of every living werewolf!" - I growled, using my alpha voice.
"I swear, I don't know anything!"

I glared at him.

"Okay, I don't know if it's important or not... Perhaps you already know it. Ayita is in love with you. Like since forever. She was in love with you when you were dating her sister. She was only dating Ahiga to get closer to you."

I wanted to vomit.

"And well, after... what happened, she... acted a bit strange. I mean everyone grieves differently, she just acted so calm and collected. She only flipped out, after you left. But frankly, I don't think it means anything. Okay, she's obsessed with you. But I can't imagine that she has something to do with her sister's death."

I knew, she was all over me, but obsessed? Could she be that obsessed, that she killed her own sister? And burnt down Loona's house?

"Can I go now? I swear, nothing else comes to mind."

I had to talk to Flo and Tamala again. They're her best friends.

"Hey, will you let me out?"
"I have to check your story first."

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