Chapter 6

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3 month later, Ahiga took me to a romantic little restaurant.

"Loona. I know, we only know each other for a few months, but I fell in love with you. You're perfect. Beautiful, smart, kind, caring. Will you marry me?"
"Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes!"

Next day, I met with Cathsy for a coffee.

"Oookay, you look creepy."
"Ahiga proposed!"
"I said yes."
"Wow, congrats. I just never thought... You always said, you're a free spirit and nobody can tie you down."
"I know, it's a big shock for me too. And what about you? How is college life?"

Time to confess.

"I don't know. I didn't go to college. Spirit and I eloped. Now I'm a housewife."
"Congrats! And how is married life?"
"It's... not like I imagined it."
"Do you regret it?"

Yes. My biggest mistake. But I can't tell her that now, that she's getting married.

"No. It's just boring, all day home alone, cleaning and cooking."

He's not letting me to find a job. His jealousy is on an extreme level, since we eloped.

"I'm sorry. But you still work with the mutants, don't you?"
"No. They don't want me with them. They think I'm too powerful. Too dangerous. But enough about me. Tell me about the proposal!"


I invited the guys for a drink.

"I proposed Loona yesterday."
"Congrats, bro." - Hakan smiled.
"It's your funeral." - Dynami scowled.

I growled at him. Enough was enough.

"Out. Now. Let's get over this for once."
"That's what I'm talking about. That little b*tch came between us, ruining our childhood friendship."
"Can't you be happy for them?" - Hakan asked, trying to smooth the situation.
"It's rich coming from you, considering that you have a huge crush on her."
"It doesn't count. They're happy together and I'm truly happy for them."

Hakan turned to me.

"I hope you know, I'd never touch her!"
"It's time for me to go home. See you tomorrow."


After Ahiga left, I turned to Dynami.

"It's you, who's ruining our friendship."
"I'm the one who managed to keep sanity and focus. We only earned 20 millions this week! And lost 4 millions before! Just because all of you two can think about is that little..."

I was always the peaceful one, but now I just saw red. And I punched him.

"That's what I'm talking about. I'm out. I'm leaving our company. You can bankrupt it, but I won't take a part in it."

He stormed out. What have I done?

Next morning, in the office, I felt really awkward. How should I tell them?

"Where the hell is Dynami?"
"About him... Last night, after you left, he said that he'll quit. He said we lost focus and we'll lead the company to bankruptcy. It's my fault. I hit him yesterday."
"If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. He never liked me. I shouldn't have come here to work."
"Don't think like this, love. If he's out, it's his loss." - Ahiga reassured her.
"It's true, Loona. It was bound to happen. He was always jealous."


3 months passed, and our wedding arrived. 

"Dearly beloved! We have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and woman in the Holy Matrimony. Into this holy union Loona Davidov and Ahiga Kahnawake now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not lawfully be married, speak now or else for ever hold your peace. Loona, will you have this man to be your husband, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor him and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long you both shall live?"

"I will."

"Ahiga, will you have this woman to be your wife, to live live together in the convenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor her and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I will."

"In the name of the God I take you to be my wife, to love and hold from this day forward for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and health, to love and cherish, until we are parted by death."
"In the name of the God I take you to be my husband to love and hold from this day forward for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and health, to love and cherish, until we are parted by death."
"I pronounce that they are husband and wife, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder. You may kiss the bride."

6 months passed in a bliss. I loved married life. We even started to talk about trying for kids. Everything was perfect.
We went to the tribe for the transformation.

"I've got a bad feeling..."
"Don't worry love."
"I can smell humans."
"Yeah, 3 poachers are nearby. But we'll have to be careful, that's all. It won't be my first encounter with hunters."
"Just be cautious."
"You worry too much, love."

Even in my wolf form, I couldn't shake off this bad feeling. I could smell the proachers. They were about 2 miles away. But than the wind turned and we lost their scent. Ahiga was running next to me. Then suddenly, there was a gunshot, and he wasn't there anymore.
I started to run in the the direction of the shots. Suddenly Hakan and Rowtag were by my side, trying to stop me. But I didn't budge. I just growled at them and ran faster. I ran until I found the proachers. And I killed them. Then everything turned black.


I took Loona back to her house, after we turned back. She was still unconscious. I called Rowtag, the tribe's healer.

"Why isn't she waking up? You're the healer, so heal her!"
"Just leave, Hakan. She just had mental and physical trauma. She's been shot. But she'll be okay."

No, she won't. Not when she'll realize that Ahiga died.


The next 2 months passed in a blur.
Hakan never left my side. I wouldn't have survived without him. He made sure, I'm eating and sleeping enough. He gave me tasks at the company to keep me occupied. After 2 months he even managed to take me out to a bar. I drank a lot of whiskey, trying to forget, what happened.

"Slow down, princess. We have to go to work tomorrow."
"This is only my second bottle. I'm not even tipsy."
"The end of your second bottle."
"Yes, daddy."

I finished my bottle.

"Are you happy, daddy?" - I asked in a flirtatious tone.
"Just come here. You know, I never noticed how handsome you are. I always knew, that you're sweet and caring. But you're hot too."
"Loona, I think you're drunk."
"Just shut up and kiss me."
"Are you sure, princess?"
"More, than sure."


And I kissed her. I was dreaming about this since I met her. I just never thought I'll have a chance. I knew well, I should have stop. But I wanted her for so long... I took her home, and we made love.


Next morning, I woke up in Hakan's bed. What have I done? I had to get out of here! I loved Hakan, but not like that. I loved him as a friend. I went to the airport, took the company's jet and went to the tribe. When Hakan called me, I told him I'm with Qalatequa, Yamka and Kateri. That I needed space. I can tell, he wasn't happy. But he respected my wish and only came there on the transformation days. Thanks god I could still do my job online, so I had the money I needed.


I knew, it'll be hard to come back, but I didn't know, it'll be this hard. But I just heard, that Ahiga died a few months ago. My grandparents must be devastated. They lost me 6 years ago, when I had to leave the tribe. Now they lost Ahiga. I wasn't ready to face all the questions, the memories... The reminders what I lost that night. And I had this weird feeling for a while, that I have to come back here. Something pulled me here.

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