Chapter 3

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I really couldn't stay in school today. I needed to find a place to sleep an hour or two. I changed my school uniform, and just got on the subway, where I fell asleep. When I woke up, I had no idea, where I was. I checked my phone. I slept almost for an hour. I took a deep breath, and that scent hit me again. I had to find it! I got out from the subway. I stole a car. I had no choice. I preferred to run, but people would notice if I just outrun the cars...


I was distracted, and the others noticed it.

"Dude, what crawled up your *ss today?" - Dynami asked.
"Can't you smell this?"
"Smell what?" - Hakan asked.
"A wolf. Female. I've never felt a scent like this. She's like honey and cinnamon and cherry blossom..."
"I can't feel anything."
"Just let's get back to work. We can't lose the Takashimaya business."
"Ugh, I just hate Japanese stock market..."
"Yeah, but we won 5 millions on it last week."

Ten minutes later, Hakan sniffed the air.

"I can feel it too! She's heading to this direction!"
"Gosh, I feel it too now. It's quite nauseating... Too sweet."



After a twenty minutes drive, I found myself at the Wall Street, in front of the New York Stock Exchange Building. I ran in, following the scents. I barged into an office, where three men were standing, looking at me with wide eyes. They were all extremely hot.


That guy really just growled? Are they wolves????

"Hi... I'm Hakan. I'm sorry, we're just to excited to see another wolf."
"Hi, Hakan. I'm..."


Now the hottest one growled at Hakan.

"Get out, NOW!" - He yelled. At me?
"Control yourself. We're at work." - said the one, who first growled.
"Out!!!" - He yelled to the others, and growled again. They walked out, leaving me with that guy.

And the next moment, his lips were on mine. Pure, unleashed desire washed through me. With one swift move, he ripped of my dress. We lost control. Okay, I always lose control, but this was something else. And not only because until now I was always in charge and now I just subdued his passion. I was drawn to him by an unknown force. And this time, I didn't need to hold myself back. With humans, there's always the danger, that I kill them, by accident.

When we finished, he looked at me.

"Sorry. For jump you and ruining your dress. I'll buy you a new one. Until that, I can give you my gym clothes..."
"Okay. Thanks."

He gave me a t-shirt and shorts.

"I'm Ahiga."
"I'm Loona."
"And that two dumb*sses were my best friends, Hakan and Dynami. So, Loona... How old are you?"

I really don't want to go to jail...

"I'm 17. And you?"
"I'm 21. I've never felt your scent before. Are you new in the city?"
"No, I live here, I just never was in Manhattan."
"You're not born as a wolf, are you?"
"Is your creator here too?"
"My what?"

His jaw dropped.

"I don't have a... creator."
"Loona, who turned you?"
"I don't know. I don't remember. I was 6 when I... became a monster."
"Six??????? Somebody turned you when you were only 6 and left you alone? So nobody taught you about... us?"
"Let's go. I know a silent coffee shop nearby. We can talk there."

He led me to the coffee shop.

"It's a nice place."
"Only the best for my girl."

His girl????? So it's true and he's my mate? I'm too young to be in a forever relationship! I should go. Now.
He noticed my panic.

"Did I say something wrong?"
"I.... I have to go home now."
"I'm sorry if I scared you. Please, stay."

They were the first wolves I ever met. I still could run away later if it gets too serious.

"Okay, I'll stay."
"Tell me about yourself."
"There's not much I can say. I was born in a small village in Siberia. After I... became this, I ran away and ended up here, in New York. Now I live with a bunch of mutants."
"So, we're the first wolves you ever met?"
"Okay. I think you have a lot of questions."
"What are we?"
"We're wolves. Werewolves, to be exact."
"And are you living in packs?"
"I've heard about packs, but we're a part of a tribe. Well, my grandfather is the chief of the tribe."
"How many other wolves you know?"
"We're about 50 in our tribe. But not everybody lives there. For example, we moved to New York."
"What are you doing on the nights we transform?"
"We travel to the woods, where our tribe lives. We're free there to do whatever we want."
"Free? Just running around?"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm locked down in the basement."
"Next time, you have to come with us!"
"But how do you know, that you don't do anything... stupid? I mean I don't remember what happens when I'm transformed."
"If you practice, you'll remember. It's not easy, but not impossible. And our village is very deep in the forest. Nobody comes there. Except some crazy poacher, but they come there to try to kill us, so it's self defense."
"What are our abilities?"
"I'm sure you noticed, that our senses are stronger. We're smarter than average humans. We need less food, less sleep. And we're stronger and faster. Our healing is accelerated. And of course there's the lack of self control. But with practice, we can gain some. Today, your scent... It completely overwhelmed me, that's why I lost control. It haven't happened to me in years."
"Is the mate thing true?"
"No, it's not."
"Thanks god."
"We can only feel, who'd be good match. I mean, genetically. And we're trying to stay faithful to our pair. But there's not only one best match."
"Are there other creatures too?"
"There are vampires, but I've never seen one. Others, as far as I know, not."

We talked for a few hours, then I went home. Cathsy was waiting for me in my room.

"Tell me everything! Did you find your mate?"
"Thanks god, there's no such a thing. But I found 3 wolves."
"No mates? That's so sad..."
"It's a relief. We feel, with who can we make big and strong wolves, but we're not stuck with one person for the whole life. We're free to choose."
"So tell me about those wolves."
"Well, the one who's scent drives me crazy is Ahiga. He's a businessman, a stock exchange trader. And his friends, Hakan and Dynami. They work together."
"Weird names..."
"They're native Americans. Their whole tribe are werewolves. It's so good to know, that I'm not the only one."
"So, you spent the whole day with them?"
"Not exactly..."
"As I said, we feel who's good match for us. And Ahiga and I are matching... So I spent the day with him. Hakan seems cute, but Dynami... I think he hates me and I don't even know why. And Ahiga invited me to their village for the next transform."

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