It Will Be

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Harry was walking down the hall on his way to History of Magic in a particularly good mood. Professor Bins may have been the most boring  teacher on earth, but there was just something he felt in his chest today that he couldn't think of another way to describe other than, "Joy." 

Ever since the Battle, he often felt down, and although he loved his friends, no one quite understood him like Ron and Hermione, and now that those two were constantly wrapped up in each other, he used to feel consistently lonely. But ever since inviting Draco to the graveyard, the two had gotten a lot closer, and Harry was starting to become accustomed to having the blonde near his side, and now they had a new hobby that they did together. Watching movies. 

Harry had found an old TV in Hogsmeade at a Muggle object selling store, and quickly purchased it, in hopes all his friends who had never seen a movie before now could. Draco took the most interest in it, and Harry had made it his mission to show Draco all his favorite cinematic masterpieces. Currently, Draco was ranting to him about how unbelievable the wizard of Oz was. 

"I mean really Harry?Is this what they think of us? We live in Emerald City and try not to get attacked by flying monkeys? And if there's an evil witch nearby it's not a big deal! Let's just find some water and throw it on her! That'll take her down! And If not, just find a house and throw that on her instead!" Draco was ranting.

Harry just smiled and shook his head, and then felt a tap on his shoulder. 

"H-Harry!" Neville was panting. 

"Oh, hi Neville! What's up?"Harry asked. 

"A couple of us Eighth years are getting together for a picnic down by the lake today. You should come! Ginny will be there, and also Hermione, Luna, Seamus, Dean, Ernie, and Pansy," Nevile said proudly, and then, as if just seeing Draco he excitedly turned to him also. "And you have to come to! Pansy should be there, and I'm sure she'll bring Blaise as well. And of course you'll always have Harry." 

Draco nodded stiffly. He still felt a bit awkward around other Gryffindors, especially Neville because of how he had bullied him in the past. "Are you sure they would like me there?"

Neville looked confused. "I can't think of why not." 

Draco shared a look with Harry. Harry nodded encouragingly. "Um..Neville.I would like to sincerely apologize for everything that happened when we were younger. I was cruel to you, and I just want you to know that I'm really sorry, and I would honestly understand if you didn't forgive me. I am trying to become a better person, I don't want to be who my father was. I never want to be like him, and I just wanted you to know that." Draco offered up his hand. 

Neville smiled softly and rejected his hand altogether and pulled him in for a hug. "Any friend of Harry's is already a friend of mine. And you did help us a few times in the war. I can already tell you're much better than your father." 

Draco breathed out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, "Thank you." Neville released him from the hug. "Now...enough of the sappiness. Is there anything I should bring to the picnic?" Draco asked. 

Neville shook his head, "Oh no no, we got it. You just relax. Same good for you Harry. I'll see you two by the Lake at about 1 o'clock!" Neville waved them off. 

"See you!" Draco and Harry shouted back. 

Neville turned around and murmured quietly under his breath, "Or not..." 


Harry trudged towards the Lake drearily after his classes. It had been a long day. Professor Binns class stretched on and on about the war against Muggles, Professor Flitwick had tried to teach them a charm which could be used in dueling that would make ice cover your opponent's eyes, but the movement was tricky, and so many students ended up making ice grow out of many other places when practicing against each other. So now he was just looking forward to sunbathing with his friends, and eating some good food. 

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