Love is blind

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When Marinette finally came back from school, she wanted so much to focus on her designs but every time she picked up a pencil to draw something, she got lost in her thoughts and when she snapped out of it, there were green eyes staring at her from her sketchbook. But, surprisingly, not Adrien's eyes. Chat's. Chat's shining loving and exciting eyes. He liked her as Ladybug and he definitely liked her as Marinette, they certainly had chemistry and she felt like she could be herself around him, she could talk to him about anything without being judged, they could be saving Paris together and sleeping in the same bed when that's done...

Shit, I'm in love with Chat! Do I tell him as Ladybug or as Marinette? Do I make him choose between me and myself? What if he refuses me... what if he doesn't?

"Knock knock" she heard someone say outside on the balcony while actually knocking on her window.

"Who's there?" she asked, although she knew very well and that thought made her blush.

"A stray cat in need of a warm lap... hug, a warm hug."

Chat cautiously climbed inside and sat on the floor, huge cat eyes focused on Marinette. She sat next to him and gave him what she thought was a friendly hug, but when she felt his hair brush against her temple and when his arms wrapped around her, she couldn't help it. She let out a whimper, a tear rolling down her cheek as she let go, hiding her face in her hands.

"What is it, princess? Is it something I did? Talk to me, please." Chat took her hand from her face and held it tight.

"No, Chat, it's not you."

"So...  someone else hurt you?" he asked, although he knew perfectly well who she was talking about and it cut him deep.

"It's nothing, really. I mean I should have known he would never feel the same, but... I thought that maybe we could just be friends, but what he said today, the way he talked to me..."

"What do you mean by him feeling the same?" Chat was confused. He thought she was long over Adrien and was in a happy place with someone else...

"It's this boy at school. I've been in love with him since day one and every time I think I might be over him something happens to remind me I still care too much. And he snapped at me today it made my heart stop."

Chat wanted to tell her how much she meant to Adrien and how stupid jealousy made him say things he regretted immediately and how confused he was realizing how deeply he actually cared for Marinette. But he couldn't. He just stared at her, jaw dropped, not being able to move or even blink. She didn't seem to notice.

"Chat, do you think it's possible to love two people at the same time? Not being able to figure out which one you prefer?" Wow, tough question, something Chat himself has been thinking about a lot causing the wet dreams.

"You mean there's yet another stupid clueless guy not loving you back?" he finally asked in disbelief.

"I only realized this afternoon and I haven't told him yet. I'm bad at confessing my feelings, you know?" it was Marinette's turn to stare at Chat as she was summoning the courage to tell him.

"Why don't you text him? It's easier that way."

"I don't have his number." He has to know I'm talking about him by now.

"You have feelings for a guy you can't even text?" Chat's brain was trying to figure it out, how mysterious is this other guy?

"You know... he always just appears, out of nowhere, knocks on my window and lets himself in." Marinette's face was completely red by now and she was leaning in, dangerously close to Chat's lips as he FINALLY got it. She has feelings for me? I'm the mysterious guy she daydreams about? I was rude to her because I was jealous of myself? He turned red to match the color of her face, closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss her at last!

Blindly in LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora