It's the ice cream talking

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Racing his lady to the tower has always been his favorite part of their patrol. And he could have let her win... but that wasn't his style. An opportunity to show off is always welcome so he beat her to it and landed on a beam a second before she did. And she did land surprisingly close to him. Could she actually be teasing him? Chat was trying to catch his breath, his gaze fixed on her dark hair and pale skin glimmering in the lights of Paris at night. She's so beautiful, she'll never agree to going out with me. Why would she, when she can have any guy in this town?

"I'm not a sore loser and I noticed André's ice-cream on my way here, so move your paws and follow me, I'm paying, kitty."

He could barely keep up this time, wondering why she's in so much hurry today not being able to look him in the eye and have a normal conversation. He extended his baton gaining speed and letting cool air sooth his heart and blushed face. André's ice-cream is the perfect spot to get romantic, right?

"Greetings to my favorite couple! I have just the flavor for you." exclaimed André happy to see the famous superheroes.

"Thanks, André, but we're not... a couple, we're just... here to enjoy some ice-cream, please" said Ladybug in a somewhat nervous way. After this cold shower, Chat's courage was almost gone. They took their treats and sat on the river bank watching the Seine flow by. They were sitting quite close to each other, licking the cones in silence, each quietly summoning the courage to say their piece. Ladybug was the first one to get it off her chest.

"I have a favor to ask." she started.

"Anything, m'lady!"

"Please, don't interrupt me or I won't be able to tell you."

"OK, go on."

"So you know I have this huge crush on a guy at school who barely knows I exist... and even though I love him so so much, it's going nowhere since I can't even talk to him... " Chat was trying to be a good listener, although his heart sank at the mention of her crush. So that's still a thing :-(

"...anyway, I haven't been feeling well these past few weeks and I feel like it's getting in the way of our work and the only one who can help me get me back to normal is probably you." Ladybug fell silent for a moment, avoiding his stare.

"So are you ill or something? Is there a cure I could get you? You know I'd do anything for you, right?" Oh silly cat, I know just the medicine you cloud give me. Chat was confused and worried. And completely clueless. Watching him lick the ice-cream provided Ladybug with the drop of courage she needed to speak her mind.

"You know, Chat, I've come to realize that just touching myself isn't enough anymore and I'm aching to feel someone else touch me in that way." Cat's jaw dropped and then he froze, unable to move, so he let her do the talking.

"And since the person I love is currently out of my reach, I thought we could have some fun together, I asked a friend and she said being intimate with someone doesn't ruin a friendship, because after you share something like this, there's nothing you can't tell each other and I feel a weird attraction to you on a physical level, always have and..."

He didn't let her finish. He took her head into his hands, wrapped his tail around her waist and kissed her lips passionately. She kissed him back, resting her hands on his broad chest. Their eyes closed, Ladybug was the first to venture her tongue into Cat's mouth and rub herself against his thigh. When they finally had to pause to breathe in, she looked him straight in his wide green eyes and asked "Is this really OK with you? Is this what you want? Knowing I won't be your girlfriend or feel what you want me to feel? Do you really want our friendship to go there?" waiting for him to answer seemed like forever.

"I... I don't know, m'lady. I think I...I need to process all of this. I'm really sorry." He turned his head so that she wouldn't see a tear rolling down his cheek. The first of many tears, actually. She watched him slowly get up and leave, his head down, walking for a little while before using his baton to jump onto the roof of the nearest building and he was gone.

She stood by the river for a little while. Touching her lips and remembering every second of their brief but hot kiss. She could still feel his warm body so close to hers, his tail around her waist so tight, his claws gently nesting her face, his emerald eyes so bright and full of love for her. She felt a weird mixture of lust and shame. She shouldn't have put him in this position, he clearly cared more about her than she'd cared to admit. Patrol was over and it was time for her to get home and cry herself to sleep.

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