A Coward

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When Adrien stepped out of the car in front of his school, he immediately wanted to run back home. Spending more than five seconds in the same room as Marinette seemed impossible. He kept thinking about the night before and the dream and was flooded by mixed feelings. He loved Ladybug and that was a fact. Mari was just a friend. A friend whose pussy he licked... Or maybe he kind of liked Marinette as well... like a lot. Or could he actually love them both? Or maybe he's loved Marinette all along and Ladybug was just a sexual fantasy of his. Ugh, feelings are sooo confusing!

"Hey, bro, we're going to be late, come on!" his best and probably only friend Nino hit his shoulder and dashed into the building. Adrien followed him reluctantly.

Marinette was already in the classroom and she gave him a big smile. Shit, does she know I'm Chat? Does the smile mean she knows what we did last night? Oh, that dream, Mari.

"Morning, Adrien, did you sleep well?" she asked without a stutter.

"Sorry, this is too much for me, I'm done for today." He couldn't take it anymore. He gave Marinette an accusing look, slammed the door and left.

"Was it something I said, Alya? Does he hate me now?" Her confidence and composure were gone.

"Maybe you should go after him, he seemed upset" Alya suggested. Worried, but also pushed by Alya, Marinette ran after Adrien and caught up with him by the lockers.

"Hey, what's up? Something bothering you? Can I help?" she managed to ask, although it took most of her strength and a lot of courage.

Adrien was startled and there was fear in his eyes. He couldn't move, his knees shaking, his head light and he almost threw up.

"I... I'm sorry, but you seem upset and... I hate to see you like this, you know." There, she said it, she practically confessed her love and proposed to him and suggested they had three kids and five hamsters. He has to know by now, right?

"What do you want from me? Everybody knows you have some mysterious boyfriend who's not Luka and you're suddenly so different and I don't know what to think anymore. I need to go now. Goodbye, Marinette."

He ran out and away, he ran towards his home but then he transformed and ran to the outskirts of Paris, afraid that if he stopped, he would break down. When he finally got to his room, it was already getting dark and he just collapsed into his bed and cried. He realized how much he missed his mother, someone to talk to about his feelings, someone to confide in. He also realized he'd probably hurt the only person who cared for him and he had no idea how to fix it. Maybe he could talk to her as Chat, give her a shoulder to cry on after how Adrien treated her. Fuck, this is getting complicated.

When Alya emerged from between the lockers, she found Marinette standing there, mouth slightly opened, arms helplessly hanging beside her body, eyes beginning to water.

"Girl, I heard everything. What a douchebag! Come here." She hugged Marinette tightly, trying to calm her friend shivering with sobs.

"Are you sure this secret friend of yours is not boyfriend material? Because this is just causing you pain and I think it's time you moved on."

Marinette was thinking about the same thing but she wasn't ready to just give up on Adrien after all this time.

Not yet.

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