"Take this murderous mutt down to the dungeons." He said, recomposing himself. I laughed at his reaction humorlessly as the guards handling me almost flinched away from me.

We walked into the mansion, going down corridors and reaching a door which I immediately knew lead down to the dungeons.
"I'm pretty sure these guys almost pissed their pants." Regis laugh from within me, causing me to chuckle darkly, startling the guards further.

"I think I like this side of you. It's scary."  He said as he continued to chortle. I shook my head as I kept a leveled expression. The guards through me into a rusty cell, pushing me against the wall and started patting me down. They went through my pockets, hurling my cloak upwards and looking at the false spell forms that trailed down my spine. I felt his rough fingers trail over my skin, sending an unpleasant shiver down my spine.

"If you try to get kinky with me, I'm sorry to say, but I'm not gay." The man instantly shoved me harder into the wall as I wheezed out a laugh.

"Getting rough huh? Okay big boy." I continued to laugh as the guard turned me around, throwing a well practiced right jab at my face. Again, I didn't flinch and with the force behind that punch, any normal humans head would've snapped to the side, but I didn't even move an inch. It didn't even hurt.I giggled at the guard as he backed away with a searing glare.

"Where is your stuff?" He asked gruffly as my amusement continued on. He reminded me of Taegan, one of Caera's guards that I met in the relictombs.

"It was in my dimension ring. But as you can clearly see, I don't have it because I lost it." I grinned sinisterly at him. I could tell he was getting nervous as he uncuffed me and pushed me back into the wall before quickly exiting the cell.

"Awe, why'd you leave so quickly? I'm not gonna eat you." I chastised as I laughed again at his disgruntled expression.

"It seems you've lost it." He said simply.

"I've lost a lot of things, sanity is something I've never had. I just tent to keep a tight cap on my insanity." I chortle as I slouch down to the floor before I'd suddenly switched to a neutral expression.

"You are oddly good at this. It's fun to watch." Regis's voice echoes in my mind as I continued to scrutinize the obviously uncomfortable guard who is most likely sure I'm actually insane.

"Yeah it is fun." I replied. The guard left after glancing back once more. His foot falls slowly faded until I was left in complete silence. I took the time to examine the runes etched on the bars of the door, walls and floor. I couldn't ready them, but from the lack of presence of mana, I could safely assume that it had to do with mana suppression.

"Well sucks to be them cause I can't use mana anymore." I thought as Regis tittered in my mind.

The cell I was in smelled musty, and old dried blood was plastered in every corner of the cell. An old cot that look like it could fall apart at any moment sat bolted to the wall to my left. In the right most corner was a chamber pot that I felt like had diseases all over it. So other than possible torture, disease, and tuberculosis, I should be relatively fine.

"Define 'relatively fine' because your version and mine are totally different." Regis shifted once more in my core, almost as if anxious to get out. I simply shook my head with a small smile, knowing he was trying to lighten the mood.

The white stone materialized in my hand as I pulled of from my dimension rune. It was now dull and riddled with small cracks. I examined it further and saw that the runes once etched into were no longer there.

"Do you think it's broken?" Regis asked as I felt his curiosity flaring as shift closer. I hummed in reply. I let aether travel through my arm, to my hand and into the stone. Nothing happened at first, and I felt worry as I watched it.

Slowly, the dullness of the stone faded as the cracks stated mending. It's brightness came back as aetheric runes slowly started re-etching back into the stone.

"It's...charging I think." I said as I watched the rune dull down. I stopped at the sound of  two sets of footfalls coming closer. Quickly, I stored the stone in my dimension rune and slumped back against the wall.

"You seem bored boy. Mind if I play with you?" A voice echoes as Lord Grandbehl, and a lanky old man stepped in font of the cell door.

"Guess you were right when you assumed torture was on the table."


Yet another chapter finished! So what do you all think aside from wanting to kill me?

Don't worry my readers, their is hope waiting for you in future chapters!

I promise. It's the whole reason the plot line is like this. But I won't spoil it.

Next chapter will be an exquisite one. Hopefully.

I have some really awesome scars now.

But anywho, see you all in the next chapter which will be posted next Saturday along with another oneshot chapter of my other book for pain relief.

Like and comment what you think! Any feed back on my writing style would help!
(2,094 words)

Thank you all for your support! Your comments make my day and defeats my depression.

See ya!!

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