"So you gave her my address?!"

"No! I don't know how she got here, I swear! But Noah, you deserve an explanation," Sam said, taking a bold step towards me, but I stepped back, shaking my head. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"You do not get to decide that," I tell him through gritted teeth, my body was trembling from how heated I was. "I can't believe you kept something like this from me."

"I'm sorry, Noah. I tried telling you so many times, but I-"

"You should've tried harder!" I yelled. "What the fuck, Sam? That's your fucking excuse? You tried?"

"Noah, please, can we just calm down and-"

"Leave," I demanded impulsively. I've never felt so betrayed by Sam. Why would he keep something so big from me?

Sam flinched and looked at me like he couldn't understand what I had told him. "What?" He questions in a mere whisper.

"I said, get the fuck out!" I yelled at him, I couldn't control the fuming enmity I felt.

My boyfriend's eyes filled with tears. "Noah-"

"You know what? Never mind. I'm leaving," I decided.

"Where would you even go?" He asked in a panic.

"I don't know, but I can't even look at you right now," I said bitterly.

"I'm sorry," Sam grabbed onto me as tears started falling down his cheeks. "Please, stay. You have every right to be mad at me, but just stay here and cool off first."

I yanked my arm free. "You crossed a line," I said sharply in his face before I picked up my wallet from the counter.

"Stop, Noah. Please," he begged. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should've told you the second I saw her. Just please don't go." I ignored Sam's cries and slammed our apartment door shut as I left.

With no destination in mind, I aimlessly walked around downtown trying to clear my head. Why would Sam keep something like that from me? We both promised to be real with each other and never lie to each other. Yet, he lies and keeps a huge secret from me? About my mom?

Meeting up with my friends for my birthday didn't even cross my mind and I ended up in a bar after my long walk. Either my fake ID looked legit or the bouncer didn't care. I'm almost positive it was the latter.

When I sat down on a stool at the bar, I ordered a shot of Spirytus Vodka before glancing around, taking in the scene. The bar was packed with guys and girls dancing to techno music with rainbow lights flying around. Then I noticed a rainbow flag and that the guys were grinding on guys and the girls were grinding on girls.

This was a gay bar. Convenient.

And that's when I spotted a guy eyeing me from five seats over.

I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket when I felt it vibrating nonstop. A picture of Sam shone through the screen with a green icon telling me to answer his phone call. Tilting my head back, I downed my drink, letting the liquor burn down my throat. I declined Sam's call.

I looked back over and noticed the guy, who was eyeing me earlier, was still sitting alone.
I checked him out. He's good looking. Not stunning like Sam, but definitely easy on the eyes.

He's wearing ripped jeans with a tight black shirt that hugged him in all the right places and a jean jacket. His hair was dark brown- basically black- with dyed highlights streaking through it. He was sporting a nose ring and had three piercings total, in his ears. One stud in his left ear and two in his right.

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