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If ur an uglee persin, nd u wan to look lick me than their r ways u can ficks ur face! Cus ur offense.


1.U hav 2 put the lisstik on ur lips. 

2.1ce ur finshet, put it on da outr cornres of ur lips.

3. If it ain luchious enuf than spred it on top of ur liplyne ntil ur nose.



I HAIT PORN! so I lick 2 where cloths dat cuvur evryting: my Rms, my foot, my eer, my tonayls.etcettata...nd u shud do tha same!

Boys lick gurls dat dont do porn. so i sujjest baggy cloths, lick a baggy  jumpar, a baggy sweter, a baggy swetpant, even a bag!


Bois, mostlymy uncle, lick big and luchious put a bob pin in ur hairs nd hold de hars back. do it on da placec dat enfesize ur forhed more.

their u go! th]t will helf u to be more lick me! (bootiful)

so fink abowt it.

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