Chapter 18- Surprise and Kisses

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Chapter 18 - Suprises,  kisses 

After confession their feelings, both Ayan and Riddhima felt light and excited for the future. Even though Ayan was excited he was still cautious he didn't want Riddhima to feel pressured to love.

They were both usually busy with their work, but still they tried to make time for each other. Ayan used to cook breakfast for her,whereas Riddhima used to cook dinner for them.

They would tease each other as well like how Riddhima shouldn't be a Doctor but like a detective or something always curious about something, she had asked Ayan why he hadn't written in his diary after the day she told him about Kabir. He stilled for a second and then said in a firm tone that he didn't want to talk about it.

Riddhima had sensed she had pressed a wrong nerve and before she can say sorry he went into his room and closed the door something he hadn't done in a long time.

Here Ayan was thinking how i do tell her the truth that i was planning to tell her that i love her,how i went to search Kabir, and he was the responsible for my accident when i came to know the truth, i didn't want to make feel guilty. 

Next morning Ayan had left the house before Riddhima was up since he a meeting and Riddhima had a day off so she decided  to plan a suprise for Ayan.

She had ordered a variety of flowers like Blue violets, tulips and yellow roses which symbolize trustworthiness, love, faith and friendship. 

She had turned the living into a little pillow fort and put fairy lights around it, and had made fried rice and manchurian for him and white sauce pasta for her. She switched off the lights when she heard the door opening. 

Ayan entered the house and it was dark he was sure that Riddhima was at home,he called out Riddhima's name-

A- Riddhima?

R- (coming out of her hiding place)- SUPRISE!!!

A- Just Staring every where.

R- You khadus, you really are buzz kill🙈😡

A- No, i liked it i am really surprised and i wanted to say sorry and i bought something for you as well but seeing all this my suprise feels small.

R -(excited)  - what did you bring for me?

A- Goes outside and brings a big teddy with a sign hug me on it.

R- TEDDY!!! Thank you so much i love it. Now come on lets eat dinner before it gets cold. 

After eating dinner they were lying in pillow fort and talking about random things. Ayan could see Riddhima was feeling sleepy. He said

A- Riddhima its late lets go to sleep.

R- No, i want to stay here ,and she suddenly hugs him tightly.

A- Riddhima you want be able to sleep comfortably and i dont want you kick me in your sleep.

R- 😡😡 She gets up and hits him with a pillow, Ayan tries to stop and yanks her towards him and accidentally their lips meet.

They both stilled for a moment and then slowly started kissing each other softly and slowly it became passionate and dominating. Ayan was the one to back off slowly, he didn't want to Riddhima to regret anything. 

R- Ayan stop overthinking, i dont regret this rather i enjoyed it. She blushed realising what she said.

A- Really Now😏😏

R- Shut up🙈🙈

A- Chalo, it is really late we really should go to sleep.Goodnight jaan

R- teasing him- Good night Teddy and she hugged her teddy.😏😍😍 Ayan backhugged Riddhima and they slept peacefully. 



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