Chapter 2- Humiliation

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Ayan sat near the balcony over looking the view of the water. Not even the waves could soothe his inner turmoil. The incident which made her leave Riddhima still haunts him at night not letting him sleep.

The sound of footsteps brought him back to reality, his PA came with all the information regarding what happened  to Riddhima, he was angry at her for being so foolishly in love with that Kabir.

Where was the girl for whom self respect was everything, how can she get ready to marry someone just to prove her love.

He looked through the footage of the press conference and saw Ishani Raisinghania pushing or rather throwing Riddhima out of the house.

His PA smirked a little knowing Ayan is now going to play with his prey and it is going to be interesting. 

                    Ishani pov

I am bored in the house, Vansh bhai and Angre had gone to office, I dont know where rest of the people and even my favorite play thing Riddhima has left the house.

Thank god the high and might all the time lecture giving girl is gone, I mean because of her I got married to servant and he may take care of me and all but he still is a servant.

And because of this baby I cant drink and all my clothes have become so tight yes I can go for shopping. 

I went to my favourite shopping mall and inside my favorite shop, the manager of the shop was giving me weird looks but I didnt think too much of it..

I took the clothes and went to pay for them when one of the girls collided with me and she had the guts to not say sorry to me. I wasnt in a mood to pick fight so I went to the counter to pay.

I gave the cashier my card for the payment but he told that it was not working I gave another card and it was not working as well, the same happened with all my cards, the manager and cashier were trying not to laugh at me I was pissed of and left the clothes at the counter. 

I went to leave the shop when the machines placed near the exit started beeping.  The manager came and ask me to show my purse to him..

I- How dare you?? You don't know who I am? He didnt back down and forcibly took my purse and to my horror there was a diamond bracelet in it.

I told the manager that I didnt take but he started accusing me of stealing and by that everyone around me had started filming this moment.

I was forcibly taken to the security room..I tried calling Vansh bhai or Angre but their phone was not reachable 

The whole day I had to spend in small room without Ac or proper food, it was evening that Vansh bhai was able to take me home.

But my humiliation didnt end here the video had become viral and everyone was taunting me as #thief, #liar etc even my so called friends were taunting me..

I couldn't take this humiliation anymore and I drank and drank not caring what happens to me or the baby I just wanted to forget it.

Author's pov

Well as you can all imagine Ishani suffered miscarriage due to drinking too much. And though she was not phased too much because of it she was happy she was free from the burden. 

The following days were going to party and spending his brother hard earned money. She even decided to divorce Angre because the baby is no longer alive.

Vansh finally had enough of her tantrums and barred her from going outside, took all her cards and forced her to look for jobs, word is she is still looking for job.

Ayan and his PA were drinking whiskey when his PA congratulated him for destroying Ishani. Ayan only smirked in return and felt happy remembering how he hacked the store system and declined all the transactions made by Ishani..

He also remembers bribing a girl to put a diamond bracelet in Ishani purse when she collided with her.

The rest was done by people taking video of the argument and rest of the destruction Ishani herself is responsible for and looks like people dont want a girl like her to be in their office.. Ayan just hoped this helped someway in healing his jaan's tormented  soul..

P.s -I hope you guys liked. I would have loved to see it on tv😂😂
Also, do you want Ayan and Riddhima to become lovers at the end.

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