TWENTY-SEVEN: Strong Feelings! & Surprise!

Start from the beginning

I can't help nibbling my lip at the suggestion. It's definitely a good idea, but I still feel nervous myself. Our girl's the most important thing right now though and I'd do anything for her.

"I have no clue what we can do today to be honest. And since it's been getting colder out lately, we can't do much outside. Maybe we can see if she wants to paint? That's something she loves to do and we won't have to leave the house for that, but we'll have to see if she's not in too much pain."

"Well, while she's sleeping, I have an idea for us," Margaret says excitedly. "We could go online and search for Christmas presents, it'll give us a chance to get some things for Aubrey. And we can order some decorations too. I'm thinking we should do Christmas here this year, I bet she'll like that, being it's her first Christmas in her new home."

Amelia's eyes instantly light up in excitement. "She'll love that! Besides Halloween, Christmas is her fave! We could surprise her by ordering some decorations and getting them delivered so we can start decorating tomorrow!"

"Well that settles it then," I say, chuckling at Amelia's reaction. "Do you two know what style she would want?"

(Time 10:48 a.m.)

Amelia Groves (POV)

"Oh that's hard, she's crazy when decorating! I'll have to look up some of our pictures from last year."

I pull out my phone to get the photos, while I continue to chatter away.

"Believe me when I tell you that girl loves her holiday decorating! I think it comes from the fact that the older she got, the less her parents really celebrated anything with her..." I stop in my tracks when I realize what I'd said with my rambling. "Ummmm, I mean they did when she was younger, but the moment she turned eighteen they just stopped."

Everyone sits in silence for a moment, it's clear we're all thinking about our own version of negativity towards Aubrey's parents. I would love to bring them back to life and throttle them for hurting my Bird.

Luckily for me my wife is always here to make me smile and right now is no exception. She kisses me lightly on my cheek, but that's not enough, so I pull her back in so we can share a sweet kiss, before snuggling up together, much like Margaret and Sarah are doing. They're also looking down at my still sleeping best friend with nothing but love in their eyes. I love how well they're taking care of her. On the other hand, I also can't wait to tease her when she's feeling better because wow, Sarah must have done something amazing up there to make her that loud!

Smirking, I start to chuckle under my breath, but of course my wife can tell exactly what's going through my mind. The next thing I know she lands a smack to the back of my head again.

"Geez babe, give me a concussion why don't you!"

Apparently Margaret and Sarah can tell what I was thinking as well, because Margaret's smirking and Sarah's cheeks are bright red.

"Hey! Why ain't Margaret getting a smack too huh!"

Everyone's now joining in the laughter, well except for Margaret who's looking at her wife, a little cautious she'll receive the same treatment as me. But Sarah just looks up at her, a proud smile on her face, before looking back to me.

"She helped, so no getting hit!"

"Oh my goddess!" I gasp out, laughing along with Gabby as Margaret turns ten times redder than she was. Honestly, these women are exactly who our Bird needs.

"Sorry," Gabby gets out, trying to control her laughter. "We can't help it. We love you both so much already and you're just perfect for our Bird. I know she loves you both so much as well. It's just awesome and we're so happy for you!"

THEY ARE MY LIGHT. (MDLG Story.)Where stories live. Discover now