SIX: Good Morning! Kind Gesture & Two Goddess?!

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(4:15 a.m. RUN)


Aubrey Barrett's (POV)

I woke this morning excited for the day. My morning routine completed, I'm just about to leave for my morning run. I bounce on my feet as I start my new running playlist and lock up the house, then put my keys into the pocket of my light pink running shorts. "Believer" by Imagine Dragons plays as I make my way down the driveway, smiling and taking in the fresh, cool air of the morning.

It's still dark out but the moon and stars are shining so bright that I have good visible light, I still make sure to run where I can be seen though. I love my morning runs, they always make me feel so alive. I will admit there's been a few times where some of the residents of the town have driven past me and done a double take; when seeing a four foot seven person running along the road it's hard not to think you're watching a child but nope, not with these feminine curves people!

Anyway, I can't wait to see what this day brings me. The weekend was both soothing and productive. I was able to get the rest of my things delivered and arranged, which means I'm officially settled in! I'm looking forward to starting on the decorating later today.

Also, my fat tiny self finished my apple pie and I froze the cherry, so I need to make a new one to take to Ally later. I think her furniture store is open today, so when I take her the pie I'm going to look for a few more pieces for my studio and for my little room.

I've been slowly buying more and more items for my little side, the few things I ordered already should arrive this morning and the anticipation makes me all giddy and giggly. I need to be careful to refrain from slipping though, just until I can be sure I'm able to handle being on my own while little. I can slip to quite a young headspace, so I'm a bit afraid.

A new song starts and I realize while I've been in my head I've reached the edge of town. A quick check of my watch tells me I've got a good run in, even a professional time. I think I might look into some marathons for next year.

I make my way past a few still closed shops and past a few starting to light up. As I move along, my eye catches the Fall decorations and I slow down to take a good look at them. Fall is my favorite time of year and from what I've seen of all the decorations so far, this small town agrees with me. I'm so excited at the decorations I can see in the semi-darkness that I'm hopping and skipping down the path. I can't wait to get a better look when the sun comes up!

I can feel my body starting to cool, so I know it's time to get going. Even as much as I love my morning runs, I know the colder it gets the less I'll be able to do it, probably until at least the middle of January. Frowning at that, I shake off my negative thoughts and make my way down Main Street and to the left this time, instead of the right. The new direction shows me a few stores I haven't seen before including one that looks like a bookstore. I smile and stop in front of the store, jogging in place as I read the sign

"Maze Book Store open at eight in the morning closes at six in the evening" I read out loud. I definitely know I'll be checking it out later, but for now I continue on my way. I run the last loop back to Main Street, which takes me right across the street from, you guessed it, "Glazed Morning" coffee shop.

Before I cross the street I look left, then right to make sure the road is clear before I jog across. The early morning aromas are escaping the shop and I'm getting excited at the thought of more donut holes, they were delicious! Before I enter I fix my hair, hoping I look a bit more presentable and I'm glad I did when the little bell over the door took my chance of sneaking in away. At the sound everyone looks my way immediately and my cheeks flush darker than can be blamed on the distance I've run this morning.

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