TWENTY-SEVEN: Strong Feelings! & Surprise!

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(Time 10:32 a.m. Sunday still)

Dr. Sarah Evans Pearce's (POV)

After a restful nap I head downstairs with Aubrey resting against my chest, still asleep. Reaching the living room, I'm met with the smiling faces of my wife and friends, who are all focused on the baby in my arms.

"I'm going to let her sleep for another thirty minutes or until she wakes," I explain, after greeting them with a smile.

Once I'm seated and paying attention to them I realize both Amelia and Gabby are not making a lot of eye contact and both are sporting a hilarious blush across their cheeks. Margaret pulls me and Aubrey closer to her so we can snuggle, but I'm preoccupied with trying not to laugh at our friends right now.

"How are you both doing?" I ask with a smirk.

Neither of them look like they know what to say, but finally Gabby figures something out.

"Ummm, we're doing okay, glad Aubrey is as well," she answers, slightly raising her eyebrows. I honestly can't tell if the comment has a double meaning or not but mine certainly does.

"Yes, we both needed to clear our heads," I say, after clearing my throat.

Apparently that was enough for Amelia to lose it and she snorts before laughing loudly and receiving a smack from her wife. It was also enough to break the tension though!

"Anyway, has she talked yet?" Gabby asks.

I shake my head sadly before kissing my girl on the head. "No but she will when she's ready. I'm still trying to process everything myself, but my love has been a lot of help."

Looking up into the face of my wife, I lean in and kiss her softly. I'm hoping all the love and gratitude I have for her is flowing, because I really don't think we would be making it through right now if it wasn't for her. We pull back and she looks at me in a daze, I just smile happily and put my head on her shoulder while my thoughts drift to meeting her.

The very moment I saw Margaret I developed an instant crush on her. She wasn't even doing anything extraordinary, just walking down an aisle in the grocery store. The more I got to know her the more in awe of her I became. Back then she was still a widow, her husband had passed 6 years earlier and it became pretty clear that she hadn't yet moved on. She was lonely but she was keeping it hidden well.

I didn't think I had any chance with her, I never even thought she would like women, but at some point I just had to take the chance. My feelings for her were growing and I thought, why not? I took a chance and she agreed to come with me to an Audrey Hepburn movie marathon one warm Friday night. We haven't looked back since.

That's not to say things weren't stressful. At the time, Margaret's godchild, Olivia, had just found her little, who was so terribly traumatized and had so many injuries. Everyone was heartbroken and scared they were making mistakes with her and we really just wanted her to be okay.

But during that time Margaret and I grew closer and eventually fell in love. She was so shy and innocent then, so nervous about being with a woman, but I think Olivia and her wife made her more open minded when it came to love.

Feeling a light kiss on my head I come out of my thoughts and look up at my love. "Did you say something baby?"

My wife chuckles, kissing me before nodding. "You zoned out on us honey. Gabby was asking what we should do today. We thought it would be a good idea to start easing Aubrey back into her normal life. The longer she stays scared of things, the harder it will be to bring her out of it."

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