TWELVE: Nervous! & Besties Visit!

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(Time Skip 9 o'clock a.m.)

Aubrey Barrett's (POV)

We just finished breakfast and I'm curled up on my couch, silently freaking out in my head. I just got a text saying Gabby and Amelia would be here at two, so now all I can think is, what if they want me to tell them the secret as soon as they arrive?

I've been in and out of little space the last couple of days, but I need to be big today for the arrival of my friends. Being the only doctor in town Sarah had to work today, but as much as I've missed her, it's actually been helpful because she makes me want to slip so easily. Margaret said she would try not to baby me this morning, which I appreciate and know will be helpful. She's getting us hot cocoa right now, but all I want to do is cuddle.

"Okay honey, I got extra fluffy marshmallows," Margaret says as she comes back to the living room and sits next to me. "So what are we doing this morning, hmm?"

"Well I don't have a TV cause I don't really watch it, but I do love my music. I would love to find a place here in town that knows how to install a full music system in the house, seeing as my dumb self forgot when building the place."

She nods and hands me my cocoa, before cuddling up to me.

"Well I know the locals as you know," she says like she's gossiping, which makes me giggle. "And Jordan over at the electronics store knows exactly what you need, he did Sarah and I's install. So how about after we finish these drinks you and I go talk with him, then we go past my house and I switch out Sarah and I's clothes for new ones, before coming back to wait for Amelia and Gabby?"

"That sounds like an awesome plan, thank you!"

"Anything for you baby," she smiles, patting my leg.

I blush, trying not to feel little, but it's hard. Not as hard as when I'm around Sarah, but I always seem to be ready to slip around both of them.

"What kinds of music do you and Sarah like?" I ask, hoping to focus on something else. Margaret smiles, drinking her cocoa and sitting back against the couch.

"Well, we both like different things. I like anything, except screaming and full dirty rap music."

I try to hold in my laugh at the thought of Margaret listening to dirty rap, but eventually a snort breaks through and I choke on the little bit of cocoa I hadn't swallowed before she said it. Now I'm coughing, trying to clear the cocoa which went down the wrong way and Margaret's laughing at me instead!

"Easy there baby girl," she says, patting my back.

"You silly!" I giggle once I've cleared my airway.

"I am, aren't I, love?" Margaret says, a smile bright on her face. "Anyway, Sarah mainly likes late forties to seventies music, but she does like some of the new stuff too. What about you baby?"

I wipe my mouth then eat a marshmallow before responding. "I'm like you, I guess. I'll listen to anything but I have several favorites. My favorite singer at the moment is Ava Max, she's a pop singer. My main go to is anything with an upbeat or soothing sound."

"Well, maybe we can listen to some of your favorite artists when we're painting next. I'd love to hear some new artists."

"Yeah! Maybe when we paint we can choose songs for each other to listen to!," I say excitedly, while finishing up my cocoa. I notice Margaret look at her watch so I do the same, seeing it's almost ten.

"I'm going to get our cups cleaned up and grab my things so we can go," Margaret says as she stands.

"We taking your truck or my SUV?" I ask, nibbling my lip. Even though I need to stay big, I love it when they drive. It makes me feel taken care of, without making me feel like I need to slip.

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